biographies for


non-anime &


manga muses.

hasegawa eri.

the world ends with you.

name. hasegawa eri.
age. Fifteen. Eighteen-nineteen. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. college student. fashion designer. ( verse dependent ).
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 5'8". 120lbs. Pinkish/reddish hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion. a few scars from cuts and burns here and there.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. deceased. lives with her paternal uncle.
siblings. none.
education. High school. goes to university for fashion design/business. ( verse dependent ).
notable skills. eri is very talented at fashion design and interior designing. she's good with art just in general. she's also very talented in general and a lot of things come easy to her.
languages. English and japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
Eri is very much a side-character without much characterisation and her arc essentially gets rewritten. She’s my character now, and some of what I write for her character may clash even with the small canon information we’re given about her. I’ve done this for a reason, though, so she has a character arc on her own that stands alone from Shiki.

character summary.
eri is shiki's best friend from before shiki's death ( and revival ). after the events of twewy, she's the co-owner of popular clothing brand gatto nero.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

kiryuu yoshiya.
joshua / the composer.

the world ends with you.

name. kiryū yoshiya.
age. fifteen - nineteen (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. heterosexual.
species. human.
occupation. none.
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 170 cm. 50kg. light grey hair (previously black hair), dark grey eyes, and a relatively fair complexion. he doesn't have any scars.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. both of his parents are deceased.
siblings. none.
education. some high school.
phobias. none.

yoshiya has been able to see the underground from a young age (for as long as he could remember). noise couldn't hurt him and neither could reapers, but he could see them (and the players) all the same. these has always isolated him while growing up until he learnt how to keep his reactions to what he was looking at hidden.

however, living alone for so long meant that it was hard for him to connect to other people. he did, however, meet hanekoma at some point and talked to him about the underground.

he also met the composer as well, and that was for a reason. in order to stay in the real ground for a longer period of time and not affect the world with his vibes, the composer must taken over a human body (with permission). yoshiya, who had no one close to him and didn't really care too much about his own life, agreed to it and told the composer that he could take over his body any time he needed to.

yoshiya remembers everything that the composer does, even if he doesn't know the composer's thoughts. for the most part, yoshiya will keep the composer's secrets, but he doesn't really care too much.

psychological analysis.
isolation from his peers has weakened yoshiya's attachment to the real ground, which is why he doesn't mind the composer taking over his body.

yoshiya isn't like the mask of "joshua" however. in fact, yoshiya is more apathetic with less arrogance. he can mainly be described as "dull" and he doesn't show any reactions to much of anything at all.

important information.
this is a different lore to the composer than most people would probably like. if this isn't your cup of tea, of course, please let me know and i will go a little bit of a more canon route, or if you want more of an explanation, please let me know!

character summary.
kiryū yoshiya is the human that the composer / joshua took over in order to have a human form in the real ground.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

yoshiya's navigation.

name. the composer. "joshua".
age. n/a.
gender & pronouns. non-binary & he/him/they/them/she/her.
orientation. n/a.
species. angel.
occupation. the composer of shibuya.
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 190cm weightless. all white..

joshua is an angel with the role of being the composer of shibuya and has been for hundreds of years. honestly, he's lived for so long that he doesn't quite remember his own backstory, but history (the time in which he lived) has always interested him, which is why he always has facts from a long point of time away.

joshua, to put it bluntly, is an asshole. arrogant to a fault, but he has the power and the time to back it up. he likes emotionally manipulating people, and for a while, he truly wanted to wipe out the people of shibuya because they weren't really living in joshua's point of view.

being partners with neku did end up softening his apathetic interior, but joshua still remains to be an asshole who will push other people's buttons (sometimes to help them grow, not that joshua will admit that).


  • he can create the rules and has ultimate control within shibuya's underground.

  • he can bring people from the underground to the real ground and vice versa.

  • he is less restricted within shibuya than other angels and reapers.

  • he can use his powers even while inhabiting yoshiya's body in the underground or the real ground.

  • he can fly and teleport.

  • he has telekinetic abilities and is able to kill noise and most people in an instant due to his fighting abilities.

  • he can also bring objects into existence.

  • he can bring people back to life and rewrite reality to support that decision.

important information.
joshua is (pretty much) all-powerful in shibuya. he has spent hundreds of years as its composer, and he is unlikely to be dethroned at any point.

if you have lived in shibuya or visited shibuya often (enough to call it a home), and you die and are brought to the reaper's game, joshua will know everything about you. will he want to? no. will he care about any of it? no. will he understand any of it? no.

character summary.
joshua is the composer of shibuya, which means that he runs the reaper's game to see which people earn the right to come back to life.

canon. untagged. takes place during or after canon events.

joshua's navigation.

important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

kanade rindou.

the world ends with you.

name. kanade rindō.
age. Fifteen - sixteen (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student.
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 5'6". 119lbs. Fair hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. alive.
siblings. older sister.
education. High school.
notable skills. rindō is pretty good at video games.
languages. japanese.
phobias. social anxiety / anxiety in general.

character summary.
rindō is a normal high school student -- or he would have been if he hadn't been dragged into the reaper's game. now trying to move past the trauma of the game, it helps being surrounded by the close friends he made throughout the game.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

misaki shiki.

the world ends with you.

name. misaki shiki.
age. Fifteen. Eighteen-nineteen. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. college student. fashion designer.
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 5'4". 114lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. alive.
siblings. younger brother (fifteen years younger).
education. High school. She goes to school for fashion designing and business when she graduates.
notable skills. Great at designing clothes. Has created a brand with Eri that has gotten popular even at their young age. Great at sports and running. Fantastic with using her hands, especially to sew.
languages. japanese and english.
phobias. none.

character summary.
shiki was a regular high school student when she was killed in an accident and put through the reaper's game. after the events of twewy, shiki is the co-owner of a popular clothing brand gatto nero.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

sakuraba neku.

the world ends with you.

name. sakuraba neku.
age. Fifteen. Eighteen-nineteen. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student (dropout).
residence. japan, tōkyō, shibuya.
appearance. 5'6". 120lbs. Orange hair, blue eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. his mother is dead, his father is alive but neglectful.
siblings. none.
education. High school. he drops out and studies (and gets) the equivalent of a ged.
notable skills. He’s pretty good at sports and good at studying in general. He can play the drums and the guitar!
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
i write a slightly au and not fanon neku, solely because when i started twewy on monday, i had no idea what fanon was, and my own thoughts on canon cemented in my brain. if there's any questions that you have on the character, please let me know!

i did rewrite parts of neo:twewy to better work for my character. check important headcanons & metas.

character summary.
neku was a regular high school student when he was shot and killed in his comfort spot and sent into the reaper's game to have the fate of shibuya on his shoulders.

then, he was shot and killed (again) in the same spot and spent the next three years dead before he was eventually revived. now dealing with powers (that should be impossible for him to have) and the trauma and inherent funniness of being dead for so long, neku is trying to move on.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

alex rider.

alex rider.

name. Alexander “Alex” John Rider.
age. fourteen - seventeen ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Has no current occupation aside from being a vagabond. He is a former spy from mi6.
residence. None. Currently travelling around the world.
appearance. 5'7" - 5'11". 140 - 150lbs. Fair hair, brown eyes, a faintly tan complexion. Several scars cover his body including some wide burn marks on his back, a gunshot scar on the left side of his chest, and many others.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. alex pettyfer.
ethnicity. English.
parents. John Rider & Helen Rider ( biological parents, deceased ). Ian Rider ( uncle, deceased ).
siblings. Jack Starbright ( housekeeper, older sister figure, deceased ).
education. high school drop-out.
notable skills. Karate; combat, survival, and interrogation-resistance training from the SAS ( British Air Service ) & SCORPIA ( Terrorist Organisation ); SCORPIA also gave him weapons training, and he has improbable skill with weapons of almost every kind; and physical sports such as, scuba diving, abseiling, mountain climbing, surfing, swimming, cycling, rifle shooting, kayaking, climbing, snowboarding, pickpocketing, lock-picking, and jumping out of a plane.
languages. English, French, Spanish, and German ( fluently ). Italian & Japanese ( conversational ).
phobias. explosions.

Alex is a firm believer of the statement: “Curiosity killed the cat, but Satisfaction brought him back.” He tends to find himself in various dangerous situations due to his curiosity but is equally able to get himself out of such dangerous situations due to his quick wit and superior physical abilities. He tends to be rather reckless with himself – pulling stunts that those with a strong self-preservation instinct would never do – but he doesn’t have a death wish necessarily.

Due to his young age, his crystallised intelligence is lower than an average spy – although, his crystallised intelligence is certainly higher than other people his age in certain aspects – the levels of his fluid intelligence is off the charts; while he does plan his actions rather methodically, the combination of his instincts and his quick wit allow him to improvise on the spot in ways that are almost peerless, even within the intelligence community.

Due to his upbringing and his various missions, he is very jaded and paranoid for his age, and his maturity shines through in any situation he may find himself in. Still, he is a teenager and is thus witty and sarcastic, relying on dry, British sense of humour in order to taunt his enemies. Despite his age, he has taken the weight of the world on his shoulders again and again and as such gotten colder and sharper after everything he had seen.

With the death of his guardian and the murder of his clone, he lost any spark of life he had left and tends to fall into long periods of silence, his facial expression almost always perfectly neutral and his eyes dead.

When he was one year old, his parents ( John and Helen Rider ) died in a plane crash while he stayed behind due to an ear infection. Ian Rider, his uncle, took him in. As he was a worker for the Royal and General Bank, he often left on travels and sometimes brought Alex along with him, teaching him language games and how to read people’s emotions until he was seven, where Ian hired a female housekeeper named Jack Starbright, who took care of Alex in Ian’s stead.

However, Ian died when Alex was fourteen, and his death was blamed on a car accident where Ian died because he hadn’t been wearing his seatbelt. Not believing this for a second due to the natural suspicion Ian trained him to have, Alex did his own investigating and was collected by MI6, where he was told by the Head and Deputy Head of Special Operations, Alan Blunt and Tulip Jones respectively, that his uncle and his father were spies. Blunt then blackmailed Alex into working for MI6 is a “one time deal” only; Alex finished Ian’s mission, and Jack was allowed to stay in Great Britain despite her expired visa.

This began his career as a spy for MI6. Before he began the mission, however, he did a brief stint of training with the SAS, placed onto K-UNIT, which comprised of Wolf, Snake, Eagle, and Fox ( and Alex was code-named ‘Cub’ ). After completing his training, he finished the mission his uncle had died on, meeting his uncle’s killer named Yassen Gregorovich. Alex swore to kill Yassen after Yassen got away after saving Alex’s life.

His career with MI6 continued, even as he was occasionally loaned out to various intelligence agencies – the CIA and the ASIS – and briefly deflected to join a terrorist organisation called SCORPIA when a dying Yassen told Alex that to find SCORPIA was to find his destiny. He deflected back to MI6 when he found out that SCORPIA had killed his parents, but hadn’t known who had killed them until he met his godfather called Ash, who was his parents’ murderer.

All throughout his career as an agent, he had seen multiple scarring events: he had seen multiple people killed, had killed multiple people, had seen someone commit suicide in front of him, had been tortured ( both physically and emotionally ), had been sniped, had suffered multiple beatings, had been cloned, had been sent into outer space, had been waterboarded by the CIA, had been captured, and even more. However, the two events that killed any sort of life in him was seeing Jack killed and killing his clone in cold blood.

After his career in MI6, which was from when he was fourteen to when he was fifteen years old, he moved to America with the Pleasures, their daughter being his ex-girlfriend Sabina Pleasure. However, after a few months of living with the Pleasures, Alex decided to strike out on his own, and now he travels across the U.S., living a vagabond lifestyle and, sometimes, helping out people when he can.

character summary.
In his main verse, Alex is a retired teenage spy travelling across the world in an attempt to both isolate himself from his loved ones so that they will not get hurt and to escape MI6 because he doesn’t trust them to actually leave him alone despite being “retired”. After a little over a year of dangerous missions, Alex has been left emotionally scarred from his experiences and finds it hard to trust others, especially adults.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

harry potter.

harry potter.

name. harry james potter.
age. 11-17. 23+. (Verse dependent. I prefer to write Harry in his Defense Against the Dark Arts professor days.).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human. master of death.
occupation. Student at Hogwarts. Auror. Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. (Verse dependent.)
residence. hogwarts.
appearance. 5'7" - 5'10". 140 - 150lbs. black hair, green eyes, and a scar on his forehead.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. daniel radcliffe.
ethnicity. English.
parents. James and lily potter (deceased).
siblings. none.
education. hogwarts.
notable skills. running and flying.
abilities. Harry has magic. As the Master of Death, even if Harry dies, he comes back to life, regardless of how he dies.
languages. Harry can speak English, French, German, and Spanish by the time he becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He can also speak a little bit of Bulgarian.
phobias. none.

important information.
i am anti-jkr, anti-epilogue, anti-cursed child. i am not anti-next gen children, but any potter children will be au and my harry meeting them will have to be because of universal travelling.

character summary.
harry potter is the "boy-who-lived" and the chosen one, destined to defeat voldemort after voldemort kills his parents. after the war and capturing all of the death eaters that managed to escape, harry travels for a few years before coming back to hogwarts to teach.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

liu suyin.

harry potter.

name. Liu Suyin (刘苏音) / Sophia Burke. Xiaoyin / Yinyin (chinese-speaking friends). Su (english-speaking friends).
age. Mid-30s / same age as Lily Evans.
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Potions’ ingredients gatherer. Essentially, she goes and collects potions ingredients, which can be both dangerous and boring depending on what kinds she gathers. This also involves dealing with magical creatures and herbology.
residence. Hong Kong, China. London, England. Travels mainly.
appearance. 5'3". 107lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes. She has a beauty mark under her left eye.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. amanda zhou.
ethnicity. half-chinese, half-english.
parents. Father, mother, & steph-father. All deceased.
siblings. Younger half-brother, eight years apart.
education. hogwarts.
notable skills. Martial artist, scuba diving, good at physical activities in general.
abilities. Suyin has magic.
languages. She speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, and English naturally. Through the use of magic, she has learnt French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Urdu, and Hindi due to her travels all around the world.
phobias. drowning.

important information part 1.
She is a friend of Lily Evans who, during the first war, went back to Hong Kong with her family to make sure they were protected and wouldn’t be caught in the middle of it all. After the war ended, she didn’t permanently move back the uk, but she visited it more, especially to sell potions’ ingredients to (holmesdepot’s Severus Snape) wizards and witches there.

Her father is related to the Burke who created Borgin and Burkes. He died during the first war, was a pureblood, and was very very harsh on blood purity. She went by “Sophia Burke” when she was in Hogwarts for this reason. Suyin had developed a distaste for Voldemort and Death Eaters in general, as well as those who widely spread blood purity notions, and would be considered to be a “muggle sympathiser”.

She feels immense guilt for leaving for Hong Kong during the first war after graduating from Hogwarts because while she doesn’t know that, if she stayed, she could have saved Lily and Alice, there was a chance that she could have helped in some way, and that haunts her a little.

She was a ravenclaw !! Her best subjects were in defense against the dark arts, care of magical creatures, herbology, and potions. She was good with charms and arithmancy, pants at transfiguration, and average with ancient runes.

In Hong Kong, there is less of a barrier between the magical world and the non-magical world, and, often times, even non-magical humans knows of the existence of the magical world, especially if they have connections to people in it. Her mother was friends with people in the magical hong kong community, which is why she knew about the magical world despite being non-magical.

important information part two.
i am anti-jkr, anti-epilogue, anti-cursed child.

I made Suyin as a fix-it for Lily to have a friend that could reach out to Harry. Of course, I don’t expect anyone to follow along with my canon if they don’t wish to, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

character summary.
liu suyin is one of the friends of lily and severus who was at hogwarts at the same time. as a grown-up, she travels the world for potions' ingredients.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

professor au. untagged. takes place starting from chamber of secrets onwards. suyin replaces lockhart as the professor against the dark arts, and things change. (harry adopts a basilisk as suyin and severus roasts the shit out of teen!riddle).


important headcanons & metas.


avatar: the last airbender.

name. Imperial Highness Azula.
age. Fourteen ( main series ) & seventeen ( post-series ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. asexual.
species. human ( augmented due to her dragon heritage ).
occupation. Princess to the Fire Nation ( main series ) & Princess to the Fire Nation and Advisor to the Fire Lord ( post-series ).
residence. Fire Nation Capital.
appearance. 5'1". 113lbs. Black hair, gold eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. tba.
parents. Fire Lord Ozai & Fire Lady Ursa ( disappeared ).
siblings. Prince Zuko ( older brother ).
education. Royal tutors. Royal Fire Academy for Girls.
notable skills. Azula has a brilliant mind for tactics and strategy, and she is definitely one of the smartest characters in the series. She is also extremely fast and nimble to the point where Aang, an airbender, said that she was too fast. She is also quite acrobatic, good with weapons, and can fight well hand-to-hand even without her firebending.
abilities. She is the only one in the Fire Nation that can shoot blue fire. She can also direct, and eventually redirect, lightning. Also, as she has dragon blood in her, she has a little bit more speed and strength than even the most well-trained bender.
phobias. Loss of control. Being alone.

important information.
This Azula is based loosely on a very small series of fanfictions I wrote in 2013 where Azula wakes up when her mother is about to leave and therefore knows that Ursa does love her. In roleplay, this has spawned this character, and while she is technically “good” in this AU, she is still Azula and technically kills more people in this version of canon than she does in the original. She might be “good”, but she’s not nice, and she’s still the product of a hundred years of propaganda and her father’s child abuse.

I will not smut with Azula. don't even ask.

character summary.
Azula is the Princess of the Fire Nation, heir to the throne once Zuko was taken out of succession. Brought up in a warrior culture, she is not a nice person and, sincerely, don’t mess with her. Most people who go up against her don’t last for very long unless she wants them to.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

canon divergences.
pre-series & season one.
azula wakes up when ursa enters into azula’s bedroom before ursa’s banishment. after being assured of ursa’s love for her, azula’s anger is directed towards her father – ozai got what he wanted (the crown), and for him to take the throne, it would mean that there is no hint of their family’s treachery, so why would he send ursa off in such mysterious circumstances? (why would he send her mother away when azula finally sees that ursa loves her too and doesn’t think of her as a monster?).

she doesn’t hate zu-zu (and no longer has to be jealous of him receiving their mother’s love because she had it too), but she does think of him as pathetic. it almost makes her want to protect him, and she does in her own way, but it’s also a lot more fun to tease him and make him squirm. plus, her teasing zu-zu gets her ozai’s favourable attention, which is what she wants (azula still loves him, but part of the pedestal she had put him on is… broken).

she is sometimes jealous of ty lee and mai’s talents when they outshine her in certain ways, and that means that she lashes out at them from time to time, but when they teach her, when they bring azula up to their level of skill (or as close to as her father will allow with weapons, at least), azula can’t help but treat them and think of them with genuine affection. they help to make her better, to make her stronger, and their discipline when it comes to fighting is second only to hers – of course she could like them (her favourite tools, she calls them. her best friends, she thinks of them). she gives them fear when she thinks their loyalty is wavering, but she gives them affection when their loyalty is strong. their relationship is as genuine as azula can have them.

she still smiles when ozai burns a permanent scar on zu-zu’s face because that’s what is expected of her (to enjoy zu-zu’s pain, even if everything she puts him through isn’t permanent, would never be permanent, because even if he is pathetic and a terrible bender and stupid, he is still her brother and one of her favourite toys). however, ozai has made a mistake (taken away her favourite toy, possibly broken him, and that, along with what he had done to mother, would be his last mistake).

azula still agrees with ozai on many matters (that they had the divine right to rule, that they should share their might with the world, that the strong will always outlast the weak, that one must expect perfection from oneself and everyone around them) and she is her father’s daughter (likes to rule the rabble with fear), but there’s a lot that they disagree on, but azula keeps that hidden inside her heart where her father cannot see and plays the loyal daughter, while working to end his reign.

canon divergences.
season two.
if there is one thing that azula knows of her brother, she knows that he is not a traitor – could never be a traitor. despite everything their father has done to him over the years, zu-zu still loves him (and azula almost pities him for it – if their father had treated her as badly as he had zu-zu over the years, azula would have killed him years ago instead of playing the long game the way that she is now), but just as sure as she is of zu-zu’s innocence, she’s sure of iroh’s treasonous ways. she has her own spies on zu-zu’s ship (how else would she give him a mutiny for his fourteenth birthday so that he knows that she still thinks of him?), and while they had never gathered any hard proof on iroh, they have observed suspicious actions over the years.

so, she makes up a lie, a trap for zu-zu, that ozai wanted him home, just because she knows iroh could never leave zu-zu alone to his fate. she feels something that must be close to pity when she sees how wrong-footed zu-zu is after her lie, and despite his weak firebending, he truly is a wasted commodity in the fire nation (that fierce brand of loyalty that he has is not because of fear but in spite of it, and that is very different to the loyalty fear that she and ozai cultivates in their followers).

she would almost be glad that the captain of the ship gave a slip of his tongue (although, that doesn’t stop her from ending his life) just because that would mean that zu-zu got away (but she will hunt down iroh, and just because her father wants him back alive doesn’t mean that she can’t cripple his traitorous ass first).

to hunt them down, she needs to gather her childhood best friends, and the two of them follow her without question or hesitation (from the past, they know that azula doesn’t take rejection kindly, but also they know that if they’re with azula, they will be protected fiercely. azula doesn’t take kindly to people trying to break her friends tools, after all). it’s after gathering mai that she finds the avatar, and, well, now she has two targets (iroh and the avatar) to hunt.

she fails to take ba sing se through the walls, the drill stopping in its tracks thanks to the combined efforts of the avatar and his “team” (children, even more so than her and her girls, naive in a way that not even zu-zu had been before their mother had left), and so she devises a new plan after capturing the rather interesting kiyoshi warriors, and infiltrating ba sing se while taking the dai li for her own away from long feng was so satisfying.

she captures zu-zu because she knows iroh won’t be far behind, unable to leave behind the replacement son that he loves (azula thinks iroh’s affection for zu-zu is because of one of two things – either he is transposing their cousin’s image over zu-zu, or iroh is grooming zu-zu to become a ruler in his stead, now that iroh is too weak to be the fire lord). and then, she overhears the poison iroh is speaking to her brother.

the dai li captures iroh, and azula genuinely wants zu-zu back at her side (her favourite toy, her only brother). she knows her brother thinks “azula always lies” but, for once, she’s telling the truth (and that is why she makes no mention of their father because there is no way that zu-zu will ever have their father’s love) because she knows that zu-zu is not a traitor to their people and will never be.

zu-zu makes the right decision, and they win ba sing se and kill the avatar together. and then, they return home.

canon divergences.
season three.
zu-zu has been worried about not capturing the avatar for the few weeks they were in ba sing se before returning home, so azula spins a little lie – that zu-zu had been the one who dealt the avatar the final blow. it’s a generous gesture on azula’s part, but one that she doesn’t mind giving. azula has their father’s approval already, and while she still pities zu-zu who wants nothing but their father’s love (that their father could never give to him), she supposes she could do him a favour just once.

however, at the turtleduck pond, where zu-zu is so worried about how their father would treat him (azula supposes that ozai hadn’t called on zu-zu yet), when zu-zu essentially tells her that the avatar could still be alive, azula realises just how generous her gesture really is (that is to say, not at all). she actually feels regret, and it’s a feeling that she doesn’t like, so she pretends that was her motive all along (but, of course the only kind thing she tries to do for her brother turns out to be a stab in the back; the irony almost makes her laugh).

with zu-zu back in the fire nation, things almost feel like old times (except zu-zu and mai are kissing rather than stumbling around each other as they had when they were children), except zu-zu is always angry rather than shy. still, it almost feels… right to have the four of them together again, and while azula tries not to let it show, ty lee comments on the happy strands that are in her aura.

azula is not the one who suggests that they burn the earth kingdom to the ground – there is no point in ruling over ashes, and azula knows that well. it is another general who does it, and she knows that if she wants to overthrow ozai, she cannot speak on how dumb the idea is when ozai seems to agree with it. (and, honestly, that just serves to be another strike against ozai in her mind – there is no point in ruling nothing). she knows zu-zu doesn’t like the plan either, but she also knows that he does not have the political mind to deal with this, so she speaks nothing of her disagreement of the plan to him nor of her plan to take the throne from ozai (he cannot lie to save his life, and if ozai had ever questioned him…).

she plays the role of a decoy and taunts the avatar and his “friends” until it’s too late for them to try to kill ozai (because if they fail, it would be her neck on the chopping block, and she cannot risk that yet). it’s not until she speaks to ozai after the eclipse that she finds out that zu-zu has “betrayed them for the avatar”, and while her expression to ozai is furious, she smiles once she leaves ozai’s presence (maybe zu-zu wasn’t so weak after all), and her mind begins to spin plans.

she does the one thing she never thought she would do and tells mai and ty lee of her plans (to have the avatar kill ozai for her and for her to give it to zu-zu if he proves himself worthy but to take it for herself if he cannot), trusts them with her treason (and they trust her because she has no reason to lie), and the three girls share a smile as they come to agreement as to what will happen in the future.

when mai hears that zu-zu is at the boiling rock, she brings both azula and ty lee with her, confident that azula will not try to harm him, and she’s mostly right. of course, she can’t make the escape easy for zu-zu for ozai has spies everywhere, and she almost wants to kill mai’s uncle herself for telling the guards to drop the gondola (she respects that tenacity, that he would be willing to kill himself to keep his perfect record, but she needs zu-zu alive, damn it).

mai “betrays” her, and azula has to kill all of the guards that rush to the warden’s aid to keep them quiet. she blackmails the warden with mai’s life (tells the truth – that ozai would have mai killed for her treacherous actions, so if the warden wants mai to live, he better keep his mouth shut) as well as sends him away so that ozai cannot find him to ruin the lie that azula spins that she killed all of the guards and the warden who failed to stop zu-zu because of their incompetence.

on the day of the comet, ozai names azula fire lord, a worthless title after naming himself the phoenix lord (and, well, that was certainly a stupid name). mai and ty lee stay by her side as they eradicate those loyal to ozai only (to ease the transition between rulers, of course) before the ceremony, and it is at the ceremony that dear zu-zu appears with the waterbender, and, really, zu-zu has always had such dramatic timing.

azula offers an agni kai (the throne for the winner) and specifically mentions that it will not be to the death or their allies will fight to kill the killer, and that aspect alone makes zu-zu pause and stare at her. they share a gaze for a few minutes before zu-zu finally accepts despite the waterbender’s disapproval.

they face each other, and for the first time ever, zu-zu seems to be holding his own against her, matching her from blow to blow, parrying her attacks, and even coming close to singeing her. it makes her grin for what feels to be the first time in years, and even zu-zu seems to be enjoying himself. azula doesn’t use her lightning even though she knows zu-zu can redirect it (she heard it from ozai, of course, and it’s a trick that she knows she must get zu-zu to teach her) because killing zu-zu isn’t the point of this agni kai, even if he may think she’s lying to get his guard down.

they fight and fight and fight until their fire blends together in a whirlwind of blue and red (unbeknownst to azula, almost matching the sight that zuko had seen with aang and the dragons) and dissipates into the sky, and azula laughs.

(it makes her look ike the child she never was).

“the fact that there is no clear winner makes this my loss,” she says because it’s true. zu-zu has finally caught up to her (without her trying to kill him, without her using her deadliest arts, but in the basics, they’re the same), and that makes him worthy of the crown alone. for the first time ever, she genuinely surrenders and bows to her brother, referring to him as the fire lord, and everyone else in the courtyard follows.

(it’s just too bad no one could paint an expression of zu-zu’s face when she bows to him because she’s sure that it was a good one).

the avatar wins against their father, takes away his bending, and azula smiles when zu-zu grants her permission to do with ozai as she wishes (because, oh, she won’t kill him, but she will make sure he suffers just as he deserves).

azula becomes the royal adviser to zu-zu, making sure that even though they have to give reparations to the other nations (boring) that he will still put the fire nation first and not cripple their people.

and things, she supposes, are as happy as they could ever be.

(until they go and bring back their mother, of course).


avatar: the last airbender.

name. imperial highness zuko / firelord zuko.
age. sixteen - twenty. ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human ( augmented due to his dragon heritage ).
occupation. ( banished ) prince to the fire nation. tea shop assistant. fire lord. ( verse dependent ).
residence. travelling / ba sing se / fire nation capital.
appearance. 5'10". 130lbs. black hair, golden eyes, and tan skin. he has a huge burn scar on the left side of his face.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. tba.
parents. fire lord ozai & fire lady ursa ( disappeared ).
siblings. princess azula ( younger sister ).
education. royal tutors.
notable skills. fantastic martial artist, fantastic swordsman, fantastic at stealth, a fantastic escape artist, and master marksman.
abilities. he can redirect lightning.
phobias. being weak.

important information.
unless dealing with another azula muse, my zuko will fall in-line with my azula's au. if you want to know more about the au, please read her bio page.

character summary.
zuko was the banished prince to the fire nation turned into a war hero and the fire lord. he spends the rest of his life dealing with all of the horrible things that his father had done for the crown.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

toph bei fong.

avatar: the last airbender.

name. toph bei fong
age. twelve - seventeen. ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-female& she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. being the best earthbender/metalbender in the world.
residence. travelling.
appearance. 4'10" - 5'2". 120lbs. black hair, green eyes that are dull, and pale skin.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. tba.
parents. she ran away from home and thus doesn't talk to her parents.
siblings. none.
education. fancy tutors.
notable skills. she is an excellent liar.
abilities. toph is the strongest earthbender in the world. she created metalbending and is able to sense people and lies through the earth.
phobias. flying.

important information.
unless dealing with another azula muse, my toph will fall in-line with my azula's au. if you want to know more about the au, please read her bio page.

i absolutely do not write toph becoming a cop. it just DOES NOT MAKE SENSE for her characterisation.

character summary.
toph bei fong was a sheltered rich gril who didn't necessarily wanted to be sheltered just because she was blind. she forged her own path in becoming the greatest earthbender in the world.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

kevin levin.

ben 10.

name. kevin ethan levin.
age. 17 - 22. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. Half-human, half-Osomosian.
occupation. Criminal ( former ), Terrorist ( former ), Con Artist ( former ), Alien Tech Dealer ( former ), Plumber, Hero, Mechanic.
residence. bellwood, midwest usa.
appearance. 5'11". 172lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. Nathan Keyes (teen), Brant Daugherty (older).
ethnicity. half-american, half-alien.
parents. his father is deceased, he's close to his mother, and he hates his step-father.
siblings. none.
education. drop-out of elementary school.
languages. thanks to his plumber's badge, he has an international translator at all times.
phobias. losing control, becoming a monster.

When Kevin was eleven, Kevin showed some capacity to sociopathic tendencies, such as attempting to derail a train, which would kill hundreds of people. He also had a negative view on life in general, felt insecure, and had a low self-esteem since many people bullied him. He hated other people and society, and he was paranoid as he had believed that no one was innocent and that everyone was going to make fun of him, but it was just that everyone hadn’t had a chance yet. It didn’t help that his stepfather, who married his mother after his father had died, was afraid of him.

When he was put in the Null Void by Ben Tennyson, his outlook on life started to change when he met Kwarrel, a fellow prisoner there. Kwarrel became a mentor and a father-figure to him, which helped him to become more stable and kind of mature. He no longer killed innocent people ( although, he had no qualms against killing criminals ). He joined Ben and Gwen when a plumber died after saving his life, and, over time and through friendship with and acceptance from Ben and Gwen, he became a more trustworthy and reliable member of the team.

However, he still, at times, acts like a criminal. He does tend to steal technology and money from the criminals they defeat, which he uses to help repair his car when it gets wrecked, and he does engage on small, criminal acts on the side, such as selling weapons on both sides of a war. He also tends to be cynical and insensitive, but he does hate it when innocent people are in trouble.

Kevin also still suffers from some insecurities, which are most evident when he is mutated. The second time he mutated, he was visibly disgusted with himself and fluctuated between bouts of uncontrollable aggression and severe depression that jeopardised his relationships, especially with Gwen. As Ultimate Kevin, he voiced his frustration against Ben for being a famous superhero and him “still” being a freak.

He is very protective over his car. Touch it, and die.

important information.
Kat ( manaborn ) and I have made an au plot to gwevin – instead of them being immediately attracted to each other, Gwen was wary around and suspicious around Kevin, which Kevin thought was pretty smart of her. Over time, and after becoming friends, they start to date each other.

Omniverse will not and will never be canon to my Kevin. The only character that I really liked from it was Rook, so Rook becoming a team with Ben will be the only canon from Omniverse that I will accept.

important headcanons & metas.

powers and notable skills.
As a half Osmosian, Kevin has the abilities of his alien ancestry.

energy absorption. Kevin can absorb and use energy in several different ways, including to manipulate technology, discharge it as an energy blast, or use it to heal himself or make himself stronger. However, the use of this part of his powers will make him mentally unstable and addicted to it ( just like addictive drugs ).

power absorption. Kevin can take and use the powers of other people and aliens. If he fully absorbs them, then he will kill that person; however, he will only gain about a tenth of their strength. This part of his power also makes me mentally unstable and addicted to it.

matter absorption. Kevin can take any material and coat his skin with it in a protective cover. This can also help to augment his strength. He can also absorb several different kinds of material at once and coat other people. Now, he only needs a small amount of material to coat himself with.

matter manipulation. Kevin can regenerate matter ( an example of when he had a coating of metal on and his hand had been cut off, and he managed to regrow his hand with the metal coating on ). He can also change the material and his body to blades, keys to pick locks, hammers, and other objects. He can also repair objects with the material he has coated on, and whenever he absorbs liquids, he can allow attacks to phase right through him without injury to himself.

super strength & durability. Even when Kevin does not have a coating of metal on him, Kevin is still stronger than most humans and is able to withstand against attack that would injure regular people.

martial arts. Kevin also has some skill in martial arts, which he’s picked up from his various years in the Null Void, as a criminal, and as a Plumber. With his size, strength, and skills, he is a formidable fighter.

knowledge and intelligence. Kevin has a vast and deep knowledge on tech of any sort, be it alien or human technology. He can also upgrade and make alterations to various objects, even those created by the Galvin, who are one of the most, if not the most, intelligent races in the universe. He is also a great mechanic and engineering, building and re-building his car and giving it upgrades as well as building Ben Tennyson a car. He also has great analytical and deductive reasoning skills and is great with maths, but he never got a full education since he was imprisoned in the Null Void since he was eleven. As such, he doesn’t know much about Earth subjects.

character summary.
basically kevin tried to kill a bunch of people and then got stuck in alien jail. at some point, he breaks out and then goes on to become a criminal and deal in alien tech. five years later, at the age of sixteen, he joins ben and gwen tennyson and becomes a space cop and a superhero. now he’s a superhero at the age of seventeen.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


chi yaling.


name. Chi Yaling “Lin”. With her Mandarin speaking friends, Xiaoling & Lingling are her nicknames.
age. Sixteen ( d2 ) & nineteen through twenty-one ( post d3 ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. lesbian.
species. human.
occupation. High school student. Martial Arts Instructor.
residence. Disney, United Kingdoms of Auradon, Auradon Prep.
appearance. 5'9". 130lbs. Black hair with light blue tips, black eyes, a tan complexion.
piercings. earrings ( closed ).
faceclaims. Adrianne Ho.
ethnicity. half-chinese, half-french.
parents. Chi Mingli & Cécile Chi (deceased).
siblings. none.
education. High school.
notable skills. Martial arts, sword fighting, great with weapons overall.
languages. Mandarin, Imperial Dialect, French, and English.
phobias. none.

important information.
There are two versions of Lin’s character that I may write. This biography is for her main verse, but she can also have a verse where she is the bodyguard of the Imperial Princess of China. You must ask to write with that Lin; her default is this main verse.

Also, Lin follows along the lines of the Descendants remake I have for Ben. Like on Ben’s character page, the new lore for my version of Descendants will be at the bottom of the character sheet. However, Lin is more flexible as none of the canon rewrite really affects her, and, as such, she can follow whatever canon necessary.

character summary.
Lin is the granddaughter of Chi fu from mulan, and she transferred to auradon prep right after the events of d2.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

lin specific canon divergences.
general notes.
In this canon, with her grandfather having fell from power after the first Mulan movie, he had raised his son to make sure he received power again. As such, her father made sure to covet power and was rather strict with how Lin should conduct herself. Lin, however, rebelled against her father’s expectations, and secretly learnt martial arts and swordsmanship against his wishes. Her mother died when eight.

Lin sometimes uses alcohol to cope with the abuse, but, for the most part, tends to use martial arts as her outlet.

post-d2 / pre-d3.
Lin transferred to Auradon a few months after the events of D2. Her father wanted her to be a “spy” of some sort on the king due to all of the changes he had been doing. Lin accepted the transfer with grace since that got her out of her father’s sphere of influence. She knows that her father hoped that he would find something embarrassing about the king so that he could leverage it to rise to higher power, but Lin genuinely did not care. She just lived life as she wanted to.

Lin was one of the few students who had turned to stone. It had been, without question, scary to be so helpless, and Lin didn’t like the feeling, especially since she had been aware the whole time.

Now an adult, Lin has settled into Auradon a little bit more permanently despite still liking China more, but it was further away from her father’s sphere of influence. She got a job teaching martial arts at Auradon Prep, and so far, it’s going well.

lore specific canon divergences.
(open to change).

beauty and the beast, snow white and the seven dwarfs, cinderella, sleeping beauty, 101 dalmatians, the little mermaid, hercules, peter pan, the hunchback of notre dame, the sword in the stone, tangled, frozen, brave, big hero 6, lady and the tramp, the princess and the frog, atlantis: the lost empire, the emperor’s new groove, aladdin, the lion king, mulan, moana, and treasure planet.

the world of the descendants verse is one continent and then a bunch of islands that float around. the continent is big enough that people generally have space for kingdoms and villages and land and all that good shit.

  • this continent is called “disney”.

  • languages and countries based off of the real world do technically still exist in disney, but they’re all warped and haphazard, especially since countries are now essentially clusters of kingdoms or kingdoms + villages or kingdoms + land that share a common language.

auradon, as we know it, is called the “united kingdoms of auradon” because most of the countries here are european. shorthand, it’s just auradon.

  • auradon is essentially a kingdom that encompasses a bunch of kingdoms into one where adam is the high king of, which means he is the highest ranking king out of all of the kings in auradon, which is why he makes laws that affect all of auradon.

  • the usa based movies are a part of their own little grand kingdom called “united states of auradon” that is STILL a part of the united kingdom of auradon and follows their rules and laws.

  • although, i do headcanon that since san fransokyo is such a huge technological powerhouse that essentially it is its own “kingdom” (despite it being a fusion of san francisco and tōkyō in the real world), and has never been a part of auradon.

  • at first, most of the continent were a part of the united kingdoms of auradon, but the war and after adam and belle and fairy godmother made their rather infamous laws about the isle ( specifically, when people realised that adam didn’t want to open the barrier for children being born on the isle ) and then, later, about magic, some decided that they would have nothing to do with auradon and others decided that they would still be allied with auradon but no longer be a part of it and follow its rules.

  • peru, atlantis, atlantica, and san fransokyo were the areas never a part of auradon; although, the latter two were allies from the beginning.

lore specific canon divergences cont.

  • part of united kingdoms of auradon: beauty and the beast. snow white and the seven dwarfs. cinderella. sleeping beauty. 101 dalmatians. the little mermaid. hercules. peter pan. the hunchback of notre dame.

  • united states of auradon: lady and the tramp. the princess and the frog. atlantis: the lost empire, auradon prep.

  • allied to united kingdom of auradon: atlantica. mount olympus. neverland. the sword in the stone. tangled. frozen. brave. big hero 6. aladdin. the lion king. mulan. moana. treasure planet.

  • want nothing to do with the united kingdom of auradon: atlantis. the emperor’s new groove.

PART TWO / THE WAR: incomplete.
essentially, there were villains still alive after their defeats against their personal heroes that decided to band together and work together in order to get rid of the heroes once and for all. since they knew that would need more manpower, they brought back villains who have died and their henchmen. as such, war soon broke out between the heroes and the villains. adam was one of the many war heroes, but he was pivotal for a plan that dealt a huge blow to the villains, and that performance, as well as his idea to put the villains on the isle, got him voted as the high king of auradon. on a semi-related note, zeus decided to put hades in a time-out for fifty years on the isle because hades “allowed” people to take back the souls that were killed, while hades was just trying to figure out what was going on because “what the fuck humans”. thus, he’s wrongfully imprisoned on the isle.

essentially, those who are a part of the united kingdoms of auradon have to ban magic within their kingdoms, those who are allied can use magic inside their own kingdom but need a special disposition to use magic within the borders of the united kingdoms of auradon, and those who want nothing to do with auradon don’t usually traverse into the united kingdoms of auradon anyway and thus don’t have to bother about it.

ben guillory.


name. Benjamin “Ben” Florian Guillory.
age. Sixteen ( prince verse ) & nineteen through twenty-one ( king verse ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human ( augmented due to his father’s curse )..
occupation. high school student ( prince verse ) / high school student & high king ( king verse ). will have graduated from high school at eighteen.
residence. Disney, United Kingdoms of Auradon, Auradon Prep.
appearance. 5'10". 150lbs. Brown hair, blue-grey eyes, a faintly tan complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. Mitchell Hope.
ethnicity. French.
parents. Adam Guillory & Belle Guillory
siblings. none.
education. High school.
notable skills. Sailing, driving, fencing, ballroom dancing, extreme sports, etc.
abilities. Abnormal strength, speed, and stamina due to remnants of his father’s curse still remaining in their bloodline.
languages. English, French, Mandarin, Arabic, some Greek ( Ancient & Modern ), some German.
phobias. Loss of control. Anger, specifically his own.

important information.
I have been writing Ben since 2017, and there is a lot of canon that I do not agree with or have reshaped to be more realistic. I do understand if people don’t necessarily follow or agree with my headcanons. I will try my best to match my headcanons with yours, but if it turns out that our canons are not compatible, we’ll figure something out!

character summary.
Ben guillory is the new king of auradon after his father gave him the crown, and he's been spending most of his kingship fixing the mistakes that his father made.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

ben specific canon divergences.
general notes.
ben does not have the best relationship with adam. i headcanon adam as abusive towards both belle and ben ( possessive, controlling and, with ben, physically abusive at times ). ben is not aware that adam treats belle in a similar way since, usually, belle can get adam to calm down in ben’s presence. he is both in denial and very aware that adam abuses him ( he still loves his father and partially thinks that his father is only “tough” on him because he loves him, but he also makes sure to keep the abuse a secret and doesn’t talk about it with anyone, so he knows subconsciously that adam’s actions are not alright. ).

ben has had what he considers to be two “beast incidents” prior to the movies, which help to feed into his fear that he’ll turn into his father.

the first is when he was fourteen, still a young kid, still going through all of the emotions and changes that comes with puberty. he’s always been a gifted athlete, fast and strong, and thus he made the tourney team easy his freshman year. at this time, he hadn’t yet decided to hide his strength completely, allowing some of his inhuman abilities to come out. his temper, however, was calm, except when faced with a team who smirks when a friend’s leg breaks and a taunt, after the game is done and the audience had left, that reveals it was on purpose. the beast gets loose, and the other team drastically loses in the ensuring fight as ben rips them apart. ben vows never again.

the second is when he’s fifteen, in a meeting with people who will not listen. he feels out of control, feels like he’s letting his father down and not being a good enough king, so he stands on a chair and screams. upon the reaction of the people, he also vows never again; although, he wonders that if a king cannot act in this way, then why does his father. so, he changes his strategy, instead of becoming like his father, he becomes like his mother, reading all of the grievances and taking measures to solve each one. he feels better with that decision.

ben and audrey were never in romantic love with each other, and they dated each other to get the pressure off of each other about dating. also, ben apologised to audrey about the break-up of “did i mention” after ben and mal’s first date, and they managed to joke together about ben’s terrible singing and how audrey should have known it wasn’t naturally him because ben doesn’t sing.

however, tension may still rise between them because ben decides to give mal a second chance and date her anyway after he was spelled by her, and audrey tries to talk him out of it to no avail.

in regards to ben’s feelings on mal using her magic to “fit in”, he’s not upset about the fact that she’s using magic. in fact, he’s upset about how she lied to him about it and that she does feel like she needs to change drastically in order to “fit in”. he loves her for her, after all, her using magic and all. he was disappointed when he realised that she lied to him, but he lost his temper because mal tried to spell him to make him forget about finding her spellbook. he was understanding when mal put him under the love potion, but trying to change his memories? that was a blow he hadn’t expected, especially after sixth months, and so he lost his temper. he, obviously, shouldn’t have said everything that he said, but, yes, he was right in being angry that mal was trying to spell him into forgetting his memories.

when the group is on the isle, ben does not wander off and look at the isle in fascination as if he’s interested and amazed in how different the isle is. rather, he’s kind of horrified at the conditions of the isle ( although he is amazed at the people who have adapted as well as they have ). because he doesn’t wander off, ben is around to see the two children who attempt to steal evie’s wallet, and ben also gives them some cash as well, both ben and evie sharing a look as they both separately realise how much help the isle and the children need.

ben has decided to band together with uma to get her advice as to how to help the isle ( which i will not force on any uma roleplayers ), and the two of them have been working together to make the isle a better place.

the first thing ben did after becoming allies with uma was move all of the major villains to a separate island and had fairy godmother put up another dome there. ben is trying to get the people of auradon to accept that the people on the isle now are just regular people who have served their time and thus deserve to have the dome taken down, but the people of auradon filed a petition to keep it, and it was signed by a large amount of the people, so he’s unable to do so at this time. however, he is still bringing kids over into auradon from those who want to come into auradon, and he’s also helping to fix the isle so that it’s a better place to live.

there are several people on the council and in the government sneakily stopping ben from implementing his ideas if he tries to delegate certain things, so only he and he alone has been working on helping the isle within the auradonian government. he has ideas as to who these people can be, but rather than focus on catching them, he’d rather focus on helping the isle first after he neglected it for six months. however, after an assassination attempt (poisoning) that happens to ben a month prior to the events of d3, ben does try to attempt to figure out who is part of this government conspiracy.

ben has been told that hades is on the isle, so he travels to mount olympus to ask zeus about it. unsurprisingly, zeus would never decide to meet up with a human–even if he was the king of auradon–and one of the minor gods is forced to meet with ben instead. ben is told that he is a) unable to release hades from the isle because hades is twenty years into a fifty year time-out b) that he has no jurisdiction over gods and the matters of the gods and c) nothing ben can do or say can change zeus’s mind.

ben knows that this isn’t right since hades is the god of the underworld, and hades being there is important for the balance. thus, he decides to meet with hades in his underground lair (which is an idea highly rejected by everyone, but ben does it anyway). since ben is willing to work with hades to get him out, hades decides that he will work together with ben on a solution to get him out.

since ben and mal broke up after the fight in d2 and don’t get back together again, there is no proposal scene for audrey to “turn evil” from. instead, maleficent’s sceptre, ever since she was captured, has been calling out to audrey for her to accept its power. the power of the sceptre got stronger over the years, which is why audrey eventually succumbed. she steals both the sceptre and the crown and decides that she does want to be the queen.

after the theft of the crown and the sceptre, adam decides to blame the villains’ kids for the theft and suggests that they close down the barrier for the isle for good. (reminder that in my canon, the isle only holds adult henchmen, the good villain parents, hades, and the villains’ kids). ben is completely enraged; although, he doesn’t show it as he calmly but without any hesitation says that his word is law and that he will never permanently shut down the barrier, and that if adam tries to move past ben to do so, ben will trap himself on the isle and die with them.

aside from those divergences, d3 happens mostly the same way (except that ben doesn’t say “i’ll forgive you” but more of “please, audrey, this isn’t you”), but at the end, the barrier doesn’t come down forever because ben can’t make that decision singularity and people still want the barrier separating them from the isle up. however, ben totally pretends that hades escapes from his guards after he helps to heal audrey even though the guards were told to let him go free after hades leaves the room and audrey is healed, and, thus, hades is free. not that the guards had to let him go for hades to escape, but it’s really the gesture that counts.

following along with holmesdepot’s belle canon ( as can be found here ) ben is very supportive of his mother divorcing his father and leaving to go live on the isle. ben also finds himself moving out of the castle he lived in with his father and mother and moving to a smaller property that he now owns himself. he also decides to not go to college and instead focuses full-time on his job as king.

lore specific canon divergences.
(open to change).

beauty and the beast, snow white and the seven dwarfs, cinderella, sleeping beauty, 101 dalmatians, the little mermaid, hercules, peter pan, the hunchback of notre dame, the sword in the stone, tangled, frozen, brave, big hero 6, lady and the tramp, the princess and the frog, atlantis: the lost empire, the emperor’s new groove, aladdin, the lion king, mulan, moana, and treasure planet.

the world of the descendants verse is one continent and then a bunch of islands that float around. the continent is big enough that people generally have space for kingdoms and villages and land and all that good shit.

  • this continent is called “disney”.

  • languages and countries based off of the real world do technically still exist in disney, but they’re all warped and haphazard, especially since countries are now essentially clusters of kingdoms or kingdoms + villages or kingdoms + land that share a common language.

auradon, as we know it, is called the “united kingdoms of auradon” because most of the countries here are european. shorthand, it’s just auradon.

  • auradon is essentially a kingdom that encompasses a bunch of kingdoms into one where adam is the high king of, which means he is the highest ranking king out of all of the kings in auradon, which is why he makes laws that affect all of auradon.

  • the usa based movies are a part of their own little grand kingdom called “united states of auradon” that is STILL a part of the united kingdom of auradon and follows their rules and laws.

  • although, i do headcanon that since san fransokyo is such a huge technological powerhouse that essentially it is its own “kingdom” (despite it being a fusion of san francisco and tōkyō in the real world), and has never been a part of auradon.

  • at first, most of the continent were a part of the united kingdoms of auradon, but the war and after adam and belle and fairy godmother made their rather infamous laws about the isle ( specifically, when people realised that adam didn’t want to open the barrier for children being born on the isle ) and then, later, about magic, some decided that they would have nothing to do with auradon and others decided that they would still be allied with auradon but no longer be a part of it and follow its rules.

  • peru, atlantis, atlantica, and san fransokyo were the areas never a part of auradon; although, the latter two were allies from the beginning.


  • part of united kingdoms of auradon: beauty and the beast. snow white and the seven dwarfs. cinderella. sleeping beauty. 101 dalmatians. the little mermaid. hercules. peter pan. the hunchback of notre dame.

  • united states of auradon: lady and the tramp. the princess and the frog. atlantis: the lost empire, auradon prep.

  • allied to united kingdom of auradon: atlantica. mount olympus. neverland. the sword in the stone. tangled. frozen. brave. big hero 6. aladdin. the lion king. mulan. moana. treasure planet.

  • want nothing to do with the united kingdom of auradon: atlantis. the emperor’s new groove.

PART TWO / THE WAR: incomplete.
essentially, there were villains still alive after their defeats against their personal heroes that decided to band together and work together in order to get rid of the heroes once and for all. since they knew that would need more manpower, they brought back villains who have died and their henchmen. as such, war soon broke out between the heroes and the villains. adam was one of the many war heroes, but he was pivotal for a plan that dealt a huge blow to the villains, and that performance, as well as his idea to put the villains on the isle, got him voted as the high king of auradon. on a semi-related note, zeus decided to put hades in a time-out for fifty years on the isle because hades “allowed” people to take back the souls that were killed, while hades was just trying to figure out what was going on because “what the fuck humans”. thus, he’s wrongfully imprisoned on the isle.

essentially, those who are a part of the united kingdoms of auradon have to ban magic within their kingdoms, those who are allied can use magic inside their own kingdom but need a special disposition to use magic within the borders of the united kingdoms of auradon, and those who want nothing to do with auradon don’t usually traverse into the united kingdoms of auradon anyway and thus don’t have to bother about it.

tony stark.


name. Anthony “Tony” Edward Stark. Iron Man.
age. Forty - Forty-nine ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. Human.
occupation. Head of the R&D Department for Stark Industries. Avengers. Iron Man.
residence. Washington D.C., U.S.A. New York City, New York. Malibu, California.
appearance. 5'10". 153lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes.
piercings. Had an old nipple piercing that he does not wear anymore.
faceclaims. tba.
ethnicity. German-American & Italian.
parents. Howard Stark & Maria Stark. ( deceased ).
siblings. none.
education. PhD from MIT.
languages. English, Italian, French, German, Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Arabic, and ASL. Conversational Russian, Portuguese, and Dari.
phobias. space.

character summary.
tony stark is iron man. insert guitar rift here.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

important information.
I currently do not use RDJ as a faceclaim for Tony. I will reblog gifsets of RDJ as Tony Stark, however, and tag it with #rdj //.

I am heavily disenfranchised with the MCU, particularly in the latter half of it. For the most part, I’d prefer to rewrite it with partners. I can write canon and write in the latter half of the movies, but I prefer to write pre-Civil War.

Speaking of Civil War, I try not to follow much of Civil War canon as possible, mainly because I think both sides had points and both of them were too stubborn to just sit down and talk, but because of the diversifying and polarising effect of Civil War, I just ignore it to the best of my abilities.

I have rewritten Civil War with holmesdepot thanks to inspiration from inmydrcams. Check out the rewritten Accords and Civil War canon here.

Tony is a flawed character, but he is not the main cause of Ultron’s creation. This man has literally created AIs for decades without any mishap; Ultron’s fucked up mental state came from the Mind Stone and Thor’s lightning strike, as well as his immediate dive into the internet.

I really really really hate the whole “Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D” plotline. It mainly won’t be canon to my blog, but I’ll follow other people’s canons about it. However, I’ll be vague about it if you are.

I also don’t really like Homecoming, but I don’t mind parental!Tony with Peter, but speaking as a Peter roleplayer, I just don’t think Peter should be so reliant on Tony on being a hero and on his tech.

I love Pepper x Tony and I love Morgan Stark. I do not ship Tony x Steve.

Also, my Tony does not die in Endgame. He survives but with a partial paralysis of his right arm to shoulder. (He can lift it and, with physical therapy, can grip things, but he doesn’t have the motor skills to tinker with machines anymore).

peter parker.

the amazing spider-man.

name. Peter Parker.
age. Twenty ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. Augmented Human.
occupation. Vigilante.
residence. New York City, New York, U.S.A. / London, England. ( verse dependent )
appearance. 5'10". 157lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes, a faintly pale complexion. A few scars here and there from his vigilante work.
piercings. None.
faceclaims. Andrew Garfield.
ethnicity. He has Jewish and Italian ancestry.
parents. Richard Parker & Mary Parker ( biological parents, deceased ). Ben Parker ( uncle, deceased ). May Parker ( aunt ).
siblings. none.
education. High school graduate.
notable skills. He is great with technology and with science, particularly biological; although, he is not too shabby with the mechanical. He’s good in pretty much all areas except for some of the “softer” areas of science.
abilities. Peter can move across any surface that he can stick to, and he has a spider-sense that will warn him of danger. He also has an accelerated healing ability, and he has faster reflexes and better strength and speed than most other people.
languages. English, ASL, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish.
phobias. none.

important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

important information.
I currently only write The Amazing Spider-Man / Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker. For MCU muses, I can write in verses where this Peter is the one who is Spider-Man, but his characterisation would differ greatly from MCU!Spider-Man, and he wouldn’t be as reliant on Tony. I have no plans on writing the other versions of Peter Parker, but there might be some comic inspirations.

Peter takes places mostly after the events of TASM 2. He took a gap year from university after Gwen’s death, and then ended up not going to university at all. Instead, he’s working two jobs while being Spider-Man to help support May.

character summary.
peter parker is spider-man.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

everything is well. untagged. gwen is alive, harry does not turn into the goblin, and peter, gwen, and harry all move to london together.


dick grayson.


basic information.
FULL NAME. richard “dick” john grayson. robin. nightwing. renegade. batman.
NICKNAME(S). dick. dickiebird. boy wonder. short pants. genius, etc.
BIRTH DATE. march 21st.
AGE. anywhere from 9-32. main verse is 30.
ZODIAC. aries.
GENDER & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
NATIONALITY. american.
ETHNICITY. roma (one american paternal grandfather).
CURRENT LOCATION. travels between gotham city, new jersey; blüdhaven, new jersey; new york city, new york.
LIVING CONDITIONS. in gotham city, he lives in the manor or at the penthouse. in blüdhaven, he lives in a two-bedroom apartment that’s normal for city residents. in new york city, he switches between one of the many titans towers and his new york city apartment.

BIRTH PLACE. bern, switzerland.
HOMETOWN. gotham city, new jersey.
EDUCATION LEVEL. graduated high school. dropped out of college after one semester.
FATHER. john grayson ( deceased ). bruce wayne. ( adopted ). alfred pennyworth ( father-figure ).
MOTHER. mary grayson ( deceased ).
SIBLING(S). jason todd ( younger adopted brother ). cassandra “cass” cain-wayne ( younger adopted sister ). timothy “tim” drake-wayne ( younger adopted brother ). stephanie brown ( younger sister figure-ish ). duke thomas ( younger adopted brother ). damian al ghul-wayne ( younger adopted brother, son figure ).
BIRTH ORDER. although all adopted, dick is the oldest, then cass, then jason, then tim, then steph, then duke, then damian. as for the order of adoption, it was jason, dick, tim, cass, and then duke. damian would arrive in the family before duke, however.
CHILDREN. mar’i grayson. damian wayne.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS. koriand’r. barbara gordon. roy harper. several others. currently dating shawn tsang.
ARRESTS?. dick has turned himself in for the manslaughter of blockbuster. he did not actually do any time for it.
PRISON TIME?. when dick’s parents died, he was placed in juvie because of not being fully white/being white-passing. this was only for a few weeks until he broke out.

physical appearance & characteristics.
EYE COLOR. blue.
HAIR COLOR. black.
HAIR TYPE/STYLE. middle-range for a guy.
DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous.
HEIGHT. 5′10″.
WEIGHT. 157lbs.
BUILD. dick has a pretty heavy build – broad shoulders – but that’s tempered by his fairly narrow waist.
EXERCISE HABITS. go hard or go home. he likes to do the rings when he’s frustrated, the trapeze when he’s trying to think through a problem, and the vault bar when he just wants to go hard. he stretches and tests his flexibility a lot too, to the point where he probably could go back to the circus as a contortionist.
TATTOOS. none!
PEIRCINGS. earrings.
MARKS/SCARS. oh boy. dick is absolutely covered in scars – being in the vigilante game since nine means that there are a lot if injuries.
USUAL EXPRESSION. usually has a smile on his face.
JEWELRY. he used to have his parents’ wedding rings and his mother’s engagement ring, but those got lost/destroyed in the explosion.
DIET. dick eats as healthily as he can with his vigilante job, but sometimes he just doesn’t have the time. he also is more of a snacker than a “sit down and have a meal” kind of guy. high calorie smoothies are the way to go.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS. he’s partially deaf in one ear due to not having ear protection from explosions enough as a kid since the technology wasn’t made yet. he has general aches and pains and he’s almost always sore. he does try to mitigate that as much as possible.

APPROXIMATE IQ. high. definitely genius-level.
MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS. ptsd. depression. dissociation, depersonalisation, and catatonia are all prevalent.
SOCIABILITY. dick has one of the highest social skills of all of the batfamily members, which means he’s slightly below average for most people. he doesn’t actually trust most people right away, and sometimes with other vigilantes he doesn’t know, he can be a little hostile. with civilian strangers, however, dick knows how to be personable. he was definitely better at interacting with other people as a kid.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY. fakes emotional stability like no one’s business. is he actually emotionally stable, though? as best as he can be having been a vigilante since the age of nine and having seen so many loved ones die right in front of his eyes.
OBSESSION(S). helping others. being prepared.
COMPULSION(S). wearing a mask.
PHOBIA(S). the people he loves falling to death.
ADDICTION(S). adrenaline.
DRUG USE. none.
ALCOHOL USE. social, mostly.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?. yes. very, very prone to violence. depending on the situation, he does try to de-escalate situations and attempt talking first, but in other situations, his first instinct is gut punch and a forearm to the neck.

occupation & income.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME. dick works as a gymnastics/acrobat instructor.
SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME. he’s the adopted son of bruce wayne, billionaire.
TERTIARY SOURCE(S) OF INCOME. he has his trust fund from his parents.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?. dick’s pretty happy with his job as an instructor. as for his job as a vigilante, that comes and goes.
PAST JOB(S). bartender, cop ( undercover ), band member -- a wide range of jobs.
SPENDING HABITS. most of dick’s spending is in regards to his work in being a vigilante. it’s rare that he’ll splurge on stuff for himself, mainly because dick is used to travelling light.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. his flying grayson’s circus poster. his dad’s leather jacket. his mum’s tarot card deck ( destroyed in an explosion ).

skills & abilities.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH. has peak physical conditioning for any sort of baseline human. insanely strong for a baseline human.
OFFENSE. dick’s offense is fantastic. he hits hard and fast.
DEFENSE. dick’s defense is fantastic. he can slip out of blows with ease and can also flip around to dodge them as well. he can also really take a hit if he has to.
SPEED. dick’s incredibly fast for a baseline human. not many baseline humans are quicker than him, particularly when it comes to travelling.
INTELLIGENCE. dick has been called “the greatest detective in the world” upon bruce’s “death”, and then the “second greatest detective in the world” after bruce’s return. dick has trained to be a detective from an early age, but he also unconsciously calculates physics and motion in his head without even really thinking about it. dick also has fantastic spatial awareness. basically: he’s smart.
ACCURACY. as dick knows how to calculate physics and motion in the back of his head in a snap, dick has amazing accuracy and can hit near anything with near anything.
STAMINA. dick has a great amount of stamina, almost inhuman. even if he's exhausted, he can keep going and going.
TEAMWORK. dick mainly does best as a leader, having run several teams and leagues throughout his years as a vigilante, but dick also knows how to put his ego aside and follow someone else’s lead. his teamwork skills are pretty top-notch as long as he’s not on a path of self-destruction.
TALENTS. do you have five years?
SHORTCOMINGS. as a fighter, dick doesn’t have many weaknesses. he’s been trained hard ever since he was a young boy, first as an aerialist, and then as a crime fighter. for the most part, the only way to get one over on dick is to surprise him and then hit hard and fast enough that dick can’t get back. sometimes, when he was younger, he could get a little overconfident, but time and trauma has tempered that. sometimes, he’ll also let his guard down a little around people he trusts, but i don’t think that’s really a shortcoming.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN. english, asl, romani, french, spanish, italian, german, japanese, mandarin, arabic, tamarean, and russian. he can get by in norwegian, hindi, urdu, tamil, hungarian, and portuguese.

SPEECH STYLE. pretty laidback when he’s relaxed. when he’s feeling tension, his voice and words get more clipped and he starts speaking in shorter sentences.
QUIRKS. he likes to go to high places. if there’s a chair, he’s sitting on the top of it or the highest point in the room. he really only does this when he’s comfortable enough with the other person to let those idiosyncrasies out.
HOBBIES. none.
HABITS. rubbing the back of his head, ruffling his hair, grabbing the back of his neck.
NERVOUS TICKS. curling his fingers.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS. making sure people don’t end up like him, making sure that no one else’s parents or kids will die. his oath to bruce.
FEARS. not being enough.
SENSE OF HUMOR. can be pretty dark just having been living in gotham for a long time. otherwise, pretty punny. you never know when you’re going to get a pun or a dark joke. or both!
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?. not so much on the job unless only around other heroes. does curse more often in his day-to-day life. tried to curb that habit in front of damian, HAS curbed that habit in front of mar’i.


age zero-seven. dick is born in bern, switzerland to his parents. he then spends the next seven years raised as a professional acrobat and aerialist as they travel with haley's international circus.

age eight-thirteen. dick grayson is eight years old when his family dies to tony zucco. he is promptly placed in juvie, where he then escapes after a week or two in order to find zucco. bruce, one year under his belt as batman, ends up taking dick under his wing after the arrest of zucco.

dick becomes robin at the age of nine, and it is a little after robin has come into the scene that bruce meets clark as superman. the joker also makes his first appearance after dick comes into the picture as robin.

at age ten is dick's pivotal moment with two-face where he plays two-face's game and gets a judge killed before nearly being beaten to death by two-face and his baseball bat. dick is momentarily fired from robin and then returns to the role after stopping the vengeance academy.

at age eleven is the alien invasion, where dick was kept in gotham, and the justice league is formed. dick urged bruce to connect to the other heroes, and that is partially why bruce gets involved with the justice league as much as he did.

age twelve-thirteen runs pretty normal, or as much as it could be for gotham. dick stays as robin, helps out bruce, and deals with the rogues. he does meet the league at some point.

age fourteen-eighteen. at age fourteen is when dick battles against mr. twister with kid flash (wally west) and aqualad (garth), and due to their success, they decide to form the teen titans. wally brings speedy (roy harper) while diana brings wonder girl (donna troy) to join as well.

from fourteen to sixteen, dick balanced his work with the teen titans (which also added more members as time went on) and gotham until the teen titans naturally dissolved after the death of a peace activist on their watch.

a year later, at age seventeen, raven (rachel roth) brought the teen titans back together again to help fight against her father, trigon. the teen titans continued under dick's leadership even as the line-up changed from what it had been before.

at age eighteen, dick leaves the manor to go to hudson university, but he promises bruce that he will manage to balance his work with the teen titans, college, and his vigilante life in gotham.

however, dick had been late coming to patrol to back-up bruce in gotham city once, and the joker got the drop on him -- shooting him in the shoulder. when dick came to, bruce fired him from being robin, and dick moved to new york city to be a teen titan full-time, dropping out of college as well.

books i take inspiration from.

just because i may take inspiration from these books does not mean that all of the events in these books are canon or that i can't adjust to fit with your headcanons. if you want a detailed list of what i count as canon and what i don't outside of the timeline above, please let me know!

robin: year one. (2000).
teen titans: year one. (2008).
the new teen titans. (1980-1996).
nightwing. (1996-2008).
titans. (1999-2003).
titans/young justice: graduation day. (2003).
outsiders. (2003-2007).
batman and robin. (2009-2011).

specific characterisation notes.


fanon characterisation can go die in a hole. dick is not a himbo, he's not actually happy-go-lucky, and he's only affectionate with the people he's close to unless someone needs him to be.

he does deal with depression and severe ptsd (as well as a host of other issues), but with raising mar'i, he's pushed himself (and gone to therapy) so that he's in a better place in order to help raise mar'i.


dick might have had a crush on babs as a teen, but it was small and he didn't do anything about it. this is mainly because i still follow the canon of babs being seven years older than dick. them dating when they are both adults is fine with me, i just... don't like the crush when dick is a teen. of course, if you write babs and don't write babs as being seven years older than dick, please let me know!

also, by the time that babs joined the team as batgirl, dick was already a member of the teen titans and harbouring a crush on roy (and wally. and garth.).


any erasure of the titans' importance to dick will be eradicated by my hand. i will mention the titans constantly in threads. they are literally dick's family away from the batfamily.

important information.
Mar'i Grayson is canon to the blog. I have it so that Dick and Kori had Mar'i when Dick was nineteen, and Kor'i left to space to have Mar'i there at Tamaran. Dick didn’t know she existed until Mar'i was six and he was twenty-five. He and Kor'i now share custody of Mar'i in the summers, but otherwise Mar'i lives on Tamaran.

I have incorporated some events from nu52 and Rebirth into his canon, but his characterisation is based off of pre-52 comics.

character summary.
dick grayson was the first child superhero/vigilante, and now with twenty-two years under his belt, he's become an important figure in the cape community and an inspiration to many.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

rose wilson-worth.


basic information.
FULL NAME. Rose Chantrea Worth Wilson. Ravager. Moonlight.
NICKNAME(S). rosie.
BIRTH DATE. February 14th.
AGE. Seventeen - Twenty-six ( verse dependent ).
ZODIAC. Aquarius.
GENDER & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
NATIONALITY. american.
ETHNICITY. half-cambodian, half-white.
CURRENT LOCATION. travels between new york city, new york and los Angeles, california.
LIVING CONDITIONS. she has apartments in both NYC and LA.

BIRTH PLACE. thailand, in the refugee camp of khao i dang.
HOMETOWN. new york city, new york.
SOCIAL CLASS. middle class.
EDUCATION LEVEL. dropped out of high school.
FATHER. Slade Wilson, estranged.
MOTHER. Lilian Worth, assumed deceased but just missing.
SIBLING(S). Grant Wilson ( older half-brother, deceased ). Joey Wilson ( older half-brother ).
BIRTH ORDER. Grant is the firstborn, then joey is the middle child, and then rose is the last. however, she was born out of wedlock.
ARRESTS?. none.

physical appearance & characteristics.
FACE CLAIM. elodie yung.
EYE COLOR. blue.
HAIR COLOR. white.
HAIR TYPE/STYLE. long, past her shoulders.
GLASSES/CONTACTS?. none, but she does wear an eye-patch.
DOMINANT HAND. ambidextrous.
HEIGHT. 5′4″.
WEIGHT. 130lbs.
BUILD. rose has a lithe build, deceptive in size despite the power she has.
EXERCISE HABITS. rose trains hard every single day, making sure that her skills are kept sharp.
TATTOOS. none.
PEIRCINGS. earrings.
MARKS/SCARS. with the serum's healing factor, rose doesn't have many scars, but she does have a gorged out eye.
USUAL EXPRESSION. neutral. she has a resting bitch face.
JEWELRY. she has her grandmother's necklace, but she doesn't wear it because she doesn't want for it to get lose or damaged.
DIET. rose tends to eat whatever she feels like cooking. very heavy protein diet.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS. rose has an obvious blindspot, but she is in otherwise in perfect physical condition.

APPROXIMATE IQ. high, part because of the serum and part because of her natural capabilities.
SOCIABILITY. rose has great social skills when she wants to use them, but she rarely wants to use them. often hostile, argumentative, and doesn't really make nice to anyone.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY. her emotional stability is a lot better than when she was younger, but she still struggles sometimes.
OBSESSION(S). not being taken again.
PHOBIA(S). none.
ADDICTION(S). adrenaline.
DRUG USE. smoking.
ALCOHOL USE. used to be borderline alcoholic, now her alcohol use has gotten down.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?. yes. very, very prone to violence.

occupation & income.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME. rose works as a bodyguard.
SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME. her mother's estate.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?. rose just does it to have a job, but she definitely prefers being a vigilante.
PAST JOB(S). none.
SPENDING HABITS. rose doesn't spend much except on food.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. her grandmother's necklace. other pieces of jewellery from her "older sisters" and her mother. her mother's portrait.

skills & abilities.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN. Khmer, Thai, ASL, English, French, Vietnamese.

SPEECH STYLE. pretty laidback. when she's pissed off, she definitely gets growl-y, however.
HOBBIES. cooking.
FEARS. being taken again.
SENSE OF HUMOR. really dark.


age zero-five. rose is born in the khao i dang refugee camp in thailand for refugees for the khmer rouge.

age six-thirteen. rose is living in new york city and grows up in her mother's den.

age fourteen-fifteen. rose is kidnapped by her uncle on her father's side, and everyone in the house as well as her mother are killed. she then goes to live with the titans for a year.

age sixteen-seventeen. after the titans finally let her live with a foster family, rose is starting to adjust to a normal life. however, it wasn't meant to be as her uncle on her father's side once again kills the people living with her and kidnaps her. slade pretends to be her saviour and rose kills her uncle.

slade then spends the next year training rose aggressively, often drugging her into compliancy whenever she realises what's been happening.

age eighteen-nineteen. after dick tells her about the effects of the kryptonite, rose decides to strike away from her father, and rose joins the teen titans, run by tim drake, under dick's request.

age twenty-now. after leaving the teen titans, rose goes to survive on her own.

books i take inspiration from.

just because i may take inspiration from these books does not mean that all of the events in these books are canon or that i can't adjust to fit with your headcanons. if you want a detailed list of what i count as canon and what i don't outside of the timeline above, please let me know!

deathstroke (1991). (1992-1996).
new titans (1988). (1995).
titans (1999). (1999-2003).
nightwing (1996). (2005-2006).
teen titans vol 3. (2003-2009).
ravager: fresh hell. (2009-2010).

specific characterisation notes.


when rose moved to new york city, she grew up in a brothel, and she was raised with the children of her mother's workers. her mother's workers were also older sibling figures to rose.

(this is not a bad thing, by the way, and it was not written that way in canon and it won't be written that way with me. the children, including rose, grew up with private tutors in a fancy mansion and did not do any work.)

because of this, rose has known about sex since she was young, and she has a remarkable understanding of consent even at a young age. as such, any scenes in teen titans vol 3. (2003) where rose does anything without consent is not canon to my rose (i.e., rose being in tim's bed naked and rose kissing other people on the lips without asking first).


most of what she did with slade was because he drugged her against her will, and that drug made her psychotic (which is canon, i'm not trying to excuse her actions).

rose takes anti-psychotic medication to mitigate the serum's now permanent influence on her.


after finding out the effects of the kryptonite from dick grayson, rose decides to go as rose worth, using her mother's english last name. she does not want to go by "wilson" any longer, and she'll make it known to whoever who calls her that.


after leaving the teen titans, rose decides to drop the ravager name and go by "moonlight". she also gets a new costume design and her costume's colours are black, white, and greys.

important information.
before anyone starts attacking me for exchanging different asian ethnicities for one another, rose wilson was originally khmer/cambodian, but the writers continuously changed her from being half-khmer to half-vietnamese to half-hmong to half-khmer again to half-hmong again because the writers cannot keept asian ethnicities straight.

i am going with the original canon because i have always remembered rose as being khmer and as we are both half-khmer with a mother who is a survivor of the khmer rouge genocide, i resonate with rose's backstory strongly.

character summary.
rose wilson-worth honestly needs a hug and therapy and a drink in that order.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

lian harper.


name. lian harper. speedy.
age. six - seventeen. (mainly written at sixteen).
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. student, vigilante.
residence. new york city, new york.
appearance. 4'10". 97lbs. Black hair, brown eyes, fairly tan complexion. She has a brand in the small of her back from being kidnapped by sex traffickers and branded.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. 1/2 Navajo, ¼ Vietnamese, ¼ French.
parents. Roy Harper & Jade Nguyen ( biological parents ).
siblings. verse dependent.
education. school.
languages. English, Vietnamese, French, Navajo, ASL.
phobias. earthquakes, collapsing buildings.

important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.


important information.
I impulsely added Lian for a friend. I do not know every cheshire nor arrow fam thing, but i am doing research and slowly making my way through old comics.

despite the rebirth icons, i do not write lian as she is in rebirth. i write lian as having died in the earthquake and coming back two years later after the deal roy made (but unlike canon, my lian remembers dying).

please do not automatically write starters as lian as a young child. i prefer writing her from fifteen-sixteen where lian has been a vigilante from the age of thirteen. if you write me a starter of lian as a young child without asking me first, i will ignore your starter.

if you will not accept my canon of lian dying, then i will not write with you.

character summary.
lian harper is the daughter of red arrow (roy harper) and cheshire (jade nguyen). she goes by speedy as a vigilante at the age of thirteen.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

miles morales.


name. miles morales
age. 14 - 18. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. augmented human.
occupation. He is going to university and is working as a vigilante.
residence. new york city, new york.
appearance. 5'11". 160lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes, dark complexion. Several scars cover his body.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none
ethnicity. half-african-american, half-Puerto Rican
parents. Jefferson Davis & Rio Morales.
siblings. Billie Morales ( little sister ).
education. high school. currently in college.
languages. English, Spanish, ASL.
phobias. tba.

Miles tends to think before he acts, often worrying about his next move and asking advice from the people around him when he has trouble. He’s initially very soft-spoken when he doesn’t know someone and, before becoming Spider-Man, is initially very reluctant to do heroic acts; although, if he sees someone in trouble, he will help them, no matter the cost to himself.

Since becoming Spider-Man, he’s become a little bit more confident in himself, and he lets his wise-ass side come out as Spider-Man, quipping in battles. He also shows tremendous foresight and logic, considering he studied all of Spider-Man’s greatest villains to make sure there would be no surprises in store for him, and learnt how to fight through security footage of Peter Parker.

His biggest fear, however, is what being Spider-Man will do to his family ( and considering his mother was killed by Venom, his uncle died fighting him, and his father abandoned him for a little over a year, he was right to worry ).

Still, he has grown into a great hero in his own right, even though he’s still learning the ropes.

Miles Morales ( a normal kid with a great family ) was bitten by a spider at the age of thirteen, and that’s when everything changed for him. He found that he developed powers like Spider-Man: he could stick on walls, had the proportional strength of a spider, and had a spider sense. However, he just wanted to be a normal boy, so he ignored his powers as much as he could.

That changed when Peter Parker dies. Miles believed that if he had become a hero, he could have helped Peter Parker, saved his life, and so he puts on a makeshift costume of the old Spider-Man outfit and starts his career.

However, most believed his revival of Spider-Man was too soon and that he was too young to be wearing the mask. He was detained by Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D., and Spider-Woman after his second night on patrol, but was able to prove himself by taking down Electro, gaining a new costume and the right to continue as Spider-Man.

However, his uncle found out about his double-life as Spider-Man, and started to train Miles into becoming a criminal, citing that he would tell Miles’s parents about his double-life. Miles, not knowing his uncle’s intentions, agreed to help his uncle out but later realised what he was doing – and how wrong it was. Thus, he and his uncle fought, and the battle ended with Miles watching his uncle killed an explosion – initially thought to have been caused by his Venom Blast, but he now knows it was due to a malfunction in the technology.

After that, he then meets Peter Parker from a different version of Earth, and they took on Mysterio from Peter Parker’s world together. After defeating Mysterio, Peter Parker has to return to his world but gives Miles his blessing to continue as Spider-Man.

Being ousted by a murderer for the death of his uncle, he received a phone call during school to meet at a warehouse. He went and met Peter Parker’s Aunt May and Gwen Stacy, who gave him Peter Parker’s webshooters. However, Captain America believed that he was too young to be Spider-Man and told Miles that if he continued to act as Spider-Man, he would arrest him and tell his parents. But, when Miles later saves his life, Captain America finally agrees that Miles can become Spider-Man; but, only with training, which Captain America will give him as part of the Ultimates.

However, he quit being Spider-Man for a year after his mother died in a crossfire between the cops and Venom and starts to date Katie Bishop. He ends up becoming Spider-Man again after Spider-Woman told him about Roxxon and all the lives he could have saved in the year he quit being Spider-Man.

Since reclaiming the mantle, he’s told his father his secret identity ( and was subsequently abandoned by his father for a little over a year ), told his girlfriend Katie Bishop his secret identity ( and was subsequently captured and tortured, for a very short while, by Hydra and Doctor Doom, as Katie’s family were Hydra ), joined and dissolved the Young Ultimates, fought with other universes’ Spider-Men, found out that Peter Parker was alive, fought and won against the Green Goblin, and participated in the Secret War and was one of the few heroes that survived.

In the new Earth that emerged after the Secret War, Miles’s mother is alive again, he has returned as Spider-Man and is currently in the new line-up of the Avengers. Miles remembers everything from his old universe, and the fact that he used to be in it, but when he first arrived, he didn’t know much about the new universe that he’s in.

Now, at eighteen, Miles knows more about this universe, but sometimes events and certain things still trip him up.

powers and notable skills.
As he was bitten by a different spider than Peter Parker, he has different powers and abilities than Peter Parker.

Superhuman Strength. Miles is capable of carrying the weight of at least ten tons, and he’s able to use his strength to jump a height of several stories high in a single bound.

Superhuman Durability. Miles’s body is tougher than the average human and more resistant to injuries and impacts that could kill most humans.

Superhuman Agility. Miles’s balance, agility, flexibility, balance, and body coordination are inhuman.

Superhuman Reflexes. Miles’s reflexes are enhanced and are approximately twenty times greater than those of an ordinary human. In combination to his Spider-Sense, he’s able to dodge almost all attacks.

Wall-Crawling. Miles can stick to any surface using only his fingertips and feet. It’s unknown how much weight he can carry while sticking to a surface, however.

Spider-Sense. Miles feels a buzzing sensation in his head in the presence of danger, which allows him to react accordingly. There’s hints that his Spider-Sense may be precognitive, but he’s not aware of the possibility, nor can he use his Spider-Sense fantastically.

Venom Blast. Miles can temporarily paralyse his enemies or cause technology to malfunction simply by touching them with his hands. His blasts seems to have more of an effect on those with genetic alterations, and there usually seems to be a bit of a delay between Miles’s touch and the blast’s effects.

Spider-Camouflage. Miles, including his clothing, can blend into his surroundings, which acts almost like invisibility. He can still get hurt, however, and it takes concentration to make himself camouflaged.

Immortality. Whether or not Miles has this ability is unknown: Norman Osborn mentions that immortality is a side effect of the Oz formula, and as Miles has the Oz formula in his DNA, he may also be immortal.

energy burst. He is able to create a powerful burst of energy under extreme stress, and it tends to tire him out after. It’s very powerful.

notable skills. He has never really had any formal training in martial arts; everything he knows how to fight is stuff he picked up watching videos of Peter Parker or on the job. He’s pretty good at science, particularly the mechanical, but he’s bad at biology.

important information.
I write Miles mainly in his comics universe, but I do have verses for ISTV, PS4/PS5, and MCU. If you want a Miles not in his comics universe, you have to ask.

character summary.
miles morales is spider-man.

comics. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

ps5. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

itsv. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

mcu. untagged. tba.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

melinda may.

agents of shield.

name. Melinda Qiaolian May.
age. Fifty-three ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Specialist.
residence. Her place of residence is at New York City, New York. She also has houses elsewhere, but she currently lives on the Bus.
appearance. 5'4". 132lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes, tan complexion. Several scars cover her body from torture and various fights and injuries.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. ming-na wen
ethnicity. chinese.
parents. William May & Lian May.
siblings. none.
education. dropped out of high school. s.h.i.e.l.d. academy.
languages. English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Shanghainese, Russian, ESL, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean.
phobias. none.

Melinda is an extremely private individual, and no one knows what is in Melinda’s head but Melinda. She is extremely protective of people just in general, but she puts up a cold and stoic front so that no one can tell what she’s thinking. Still, she has depths of feelings that she allows herself to feel and then compartmentalise away, and because she is so good at compartmentalising, people often think of her as unemotional and robotic.

early life.

Melinda was born to William May and Lian May, the latter a high-level intelligence operative for the CIA. They stayed in Virginia for all of Melinda’s childhood, and Melinda grew up not exactly knowing that her mother was an intelligence operative but knowing that something was different about her mother and her household. It was only when she was ten, after having been kidnapped by one of her mother’s enemies, that she found out that her mother was a part of the CIA.

Since she was ten and was able to take down her kidnapper despite being both younger and smaller and less technically skilled, Lian knew that she would be an operative of some sort and started training her in all that she knew, and that, along with Melinda’s latent talent, made her a very desirable operative for any intelligence organisations ( although, there was an assumption that Melinda would join the CIA like her mother ).

However, Peggy Carter, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time, saw something in Melinda and personally came to “steal” Melinda away from the CIA to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. when Melinda was sixteen. What she said must have gotten through to Melinda because she joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to train, dropping out of high school.

joining S.H.I.E.L.D.

Melinda May was in the same graduating class with Phil Coulson, John Garrett, and Felix Blake despite being one to two years younger than them, but Melinda had a special disposition due to her skill level and her background ( although, she never told anyone about her mother being a high-level CIA operative ). Her unofficial S.O. had been Peggy Carter ( since Peggy couldn’t be the S.O. of someone while acting as director ), while her official S.O. was no one to exactly write home about ( it was one of the worst kept secrets that Peggy had an eye on and a hand in Melinda ).

She continued to do missions, and she had a perfect mission success rate, even if her missions often went fubar ( and since she took actions that often went against protocol, her ability to rise through the ranks stagnated, so she was at one level lower than the people she had graduated with ). When Peggy became struck with illness and was forced to retire, Nick Fury took over as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and paired Melinda up with Phil Coulson on a mission together. The two of them became an unlikely pair who often times went on missions together, and they soon began to trust each other with their lives and with their friendship.

Throughout Melinda’s time at S.H.I.E.L.D., she became an S.O. for a few baby agents, including Victoria Hand, Maria Hill, and Natasha Romanoff ( not to necessarily teach Natasha skills, but because S.H.I.E.L.D. assumed that Melinda would be the only person who could stop Natasha aside from Clint Barton ). She also became close to Clint Barton, and the two of them would play pranks together, much to Fury’s “joy”, and she often met with Fury as well while partnered with Phil Coulson. She also met the civilian Dr. Andrew Garner during her time in S.H.I.E.L.D. when he was a psychologist and a civilian contractor for S.H.I.E.L.D., and the two of them hit it off. She soon eloped and married Andrew a year after meeting him. She and Bobbi Morse would have done a few missions together, back when Bobbi was still new to S.H.I.E.L.D., and she helped to train Bobbi even though Melinda technically wasn’t her S.O.

In regards to STRIKE TEAM: DELTA, Phil was officially their S.O., but May was the one who helped to extract them out when they needed it, even when they built up a reputation of never needing an extraction plan, and May was their unofficial S.O. for when Phil went on missions without any of them.


In 2008, Melinda and Phil were supposed to be the welcome wagon, and it all went wrong. Melinda walked out of there but a part of her died in the sands. She killed a little girl after being brainwashed into thinking that she was her mother, and she was never the same again.


She broke off her marriage with Andrew Garner because she knew she didn’t want to break him. Fury hadn’t wanted to let her get out of being a Specialist, so she took more and more risks on missions trying to die until Fury found her one day bleeding out in a safehouse and doing nothing to stop it. ( Neither of them told anyone about that. ) She got moved to Administrations, where she stayed until Loki invaded New York City.

When Phil Coulson died, Nick Fury brought Melinda May in to Project TAHITI, and Melinda became Fury’s eyes and ears on Coulson. So, she put together a team that she believed could help her deal with Coulson if she needed to, and Fury okay’d the project. She transferred out of Administrations and went back on field duty on the BUS.

notable skills.
although melinda may has no superpowers, she has notable skills and abilities despite being baseline human.

master pilot. Melinda is an accomplished pilot, able to perform such feats as flying through the eye of a storm with a plane as large as the Bus, or deceiving a series of HYDRA Quinjets into believing the plane had been destroyed using a clever cloaking manoeuvre. She, as mission commander, is usually in charge of piloting the Quinjet as well.

master spy. Melinda is highly skilled at disguise, infiltration, espionage, and stealth. She is able to infiltrate most places, either as a young child who is lost or by seducing men and women, especially as she grew older. She is an accomplished liar and most lie detectors will not be able to tell if she was lying.

master martial arts. Melinda is extremely skilled in the field of martial arts, having perfected and incorporated at least fifteen styles of martial arts into her fighting style. She can take down many henchmen easily just by fighting hand-to-hand.

expert acrobat. Melinda’s fighting abilities can contain acrobatic moves that allow her to dodge and use her opponents’ momentum against them. She is also capable of Olympic level of acrobatic feats.

expert marksman. She is an expert marksmen, able to shoot at one hundred percent accuracy at the shooting range. On the field, she tends to shoot with ninety-five percent accuracy.

weapons master. She is able to wield all types of guns, knives, and miscellaneous objects to deadly ability due to her training.

expert interrogator. She’s accomplished in both “reverse interrogation” and in legitimate interrogation. She tends to be better at reverse interrogation due to her small size and statue, as more stronger willed men would not be intimidated by her, even after she’s beaten them.

important information.
I have a lot of issues with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I also have a huge problem with the “Hydra is S.H.I.E.L.D.” plotline. While I have not rewritten the entire show ( yet ), assume most of it hasn’t happened when it comes to my Melinda May. For those who take place in the later parts of the MCU or do the whole “Hydra is S.H.I.E.L.D.” plotline… I’ll be vague about it if you be vague about it.

I do not ship Melinda x Phil. That will never be a romantic ship on this blog. They are platonic soulmates and nothing more. I do, however, ship Melinda and Andrew quite a lot.

character summary.
melinda may is an agent of s.h.i.e.l.d. and a good one at that. she is a specialist, which is essentially the agency's wet work operators.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

avengers au. untagged. after the events of season one, melinda joins the avengers team thanks to clint and natasha.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

spencer reid.

criminal minds.

basic information.
FULL NAME. spencer reid.
NICKNAME(S). pretty boy. spence. 187. genius. boy wonder.
PREFERRED NAME(S). spencer, dr. reid, agent reid.
BIRTH DATE. october 28th, 1981.
AGE. verse dependent, usually twenty-three to forty.
ZODIAC. Scorpio.
GENDER & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
NATIONALITY. american.
ETHNICITY. american.
CURRENT LOCATION. lives in washington d.c., but travels throughout america and sometimes to other countries for his job.
LIVING CONDITIONS. normal. he has an apartment, he sometimes sleeps on his bed, sometimes sleeps on the couch, and his heater/a/c usually works (and, if it doesn’t, he can usually fix it). although, since his work often includes travel, there are spans of time where he is never home.
Title(s). doctor, fbi bau supervisory special agent (aka: special agent).

BIRTH PLACE. las vegas, nevada.
HOMETOWN. las vegas, nevada.
SOCIAL CLASS. middle class because he spends so much money for his mother that, despite the amount of money he makes (his salary + supplementing his income with gambling at casinos), he would be considered middle class.
EDUCATION LEVEL. several phds, several bachelors, one or two masters by the age of thirty-nine.
FATHER. william reid, estranged.
MOTHER. diana reid, institutionalised.
SIBLING(S). none.
PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS. ethan, stephen gideon, lila archer, austin, other relationships i don’t have names for, maeve donovan. (doctor who verse: clara oswald).
ARRESTS?. yes.
PRISON TIME?. yes. spencer spent time in prison for murder when he was thirty-nine. it was only eight months of time, but he spent half of it in a mexican prison and the other half in an american prison. he was innocent for the crime he was in jail for, however.

physical appearance & characteristics.
FACE CLAIM. matthew gray gubler.
EYE COLOR. brown.
HAIR COLOR. brown.
HAIR TYPE/STYLE. he has had a variety of hairstyles over the years. i write him with short-ish hair.
GLASSES/CONTACTS?. he’s needed glasses ever since the age of seven (reading too much in the dark/low-light). he mainly wears contacts, especially on the job, but he’s determining whether or not to just return to using glasses in the field due to being kidnapped so often on it and having to deal with his contacts being dry.
HEIGHT. 6'2″.
WEIGHT. 158lbs.
BUILD. seemingly skinny. he does have some muscle tone, but not too much.
EXERCISE HABITS. running at least a mile per day, more if he has the time for it. once he hits thirty-nine, he exercises at the gym every night.
MARKS/SCARS. he has scars on his neck and upper thigh from gunshot wounds. he has very faint track marks in his inner arms, near-invisible unless you’re looking for them from age twenty-six onward. doesn’t scar easily physically.
JEWELRY. wears a bracelet age twenty-four onwards given to him by ethan. also wears a bracelet age twenty-eight onwards given to him by julio ruiz to protect him from spirits.
DIET. tends to snack more often than not. doesn’t have time, sometimes, for full meals. prefers to snack.
PHYSICAL AILMENTS. on some days, he gets a lot of physical pain due to his gunshot wounds to the neck and leg. some days, he has to return to using the cane. other days, he’s perfectly fine.

MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS. ptsd, depression, anxiety.
SOCIABILITY. spencer is relatively social. he prefers being in more of an academic setting and interacting with people within that community, but it isn’t as if he isolates himself constantly.
EMOTIONAL STABILITY. depends on the day. spencer is good at compartmentalising, so even if he wasn’t emotionally stable, he would seem alright. however, with his conditions, traumas, triggers, and his job (a source of high stress), it really does depend on the day, maybe even the hour.
OBSESSION(S). reading, academia in general, doctor who!
COMPULSION(S). biting his lips, picking underneath his fingernails, talking with his hands, reading everything he can get his hands on, etc.
PHOBIA(S). fear of the dark (includes: being blindfolded), losing control (includes: drug addiction, being restrained).
ADDICTION(S). caffeine addiction, drug addiction (age twenty-four onward).
DRUG USE. spencer was tortured and drugged with dilaudid against his will, and he got addicted to the drug also against his will. he still struggles with it, especially in times of high stress, but he tries not to use it anymore.
ALCOHOL USE. his alcohol use is more normal; spencer is more of a social drinker, but on the occasion that the need for drugs is too high, sometimes spencer with mitigate that with a single drink.
PRONE TO VIOLENCE?. he isn’t really prone to violence until the age of thirty-nine onward.

occupation & income.
PRIMARY SOURCE OF INCOME. being a bau supervisory fbi agent.
SECONDARY SOURCE OF INCOME. winning at casinos.
TERTIARY SOURCE OF INCOME. other ways of gambling.
CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?. there are times where he absolutely hates his job, and there are times where he loves it. still, he would rather be doing it than have anyone else do it.
PAST JOB(S). none. his only work experience has been with the fbi on the bau.
SPENDING HABITS. he doesn’t spend much for himself, personally, but most of his money is spent on the institution that his mother stays at.
MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION. his letters from his mother & maeve. the bracelet ethan gave him.

skills & abilities.
PHYSICAL STRENGTH. his physical strength for his upper body is below average from the age of twenty-eight, becomes average from twenty-eight to thirty-eight, becomes slightly above average from thirty-nine onward. he has more of a runner’s strength (lower body).
OFFENSE. spencer’s offense isn’t fantastically amazing, but due to his fbi training, he can take down criminals without some sort of fighting backward, and sometimes with a fighting background with the element of surprise. his appearance is deceptive, so sometimes he can stop someone before they realise.
DEFENSE. spencer’s defense is pretty much the same as his offense, but he can take a punch more than he can deal a punch.
SPEED. spencer’s speed is above average, mainly because he likes to go for runs. he’s fast, and he almost will catch you.
INTELLIGENCE. spencer has beyond-genius-level-IQ. genuinely, his IQ is impossible to achieve aside from in fiction. if you’re trying to hide things from spencer, don’t.
ACCURACY. spencer’s accuracy depends on what he’s doing. for the most part, he’s pretty accurate with most things, but for some reason, he just cannot hit a baseball, shoot darts, or shoot hoops. he knows the mechanics behind all of it, but he just can’t seem to actually perform it.
STAMINA. his stamina is also deceptively better than what people might see when they look at him. because he runs, and, as he grows older, runs further and further, he has a pretty good stamina.
TEAMWORK. spencer is good at teamwork up until a point – it is really dependent on whether or not the other members on the team can handle working with a genius who often doesn’t have time for the tact to dumb himself down for the sake of other people’s egos.
TALENTS. he performs magic tricks !
SHORTCOMINGS. spencer has an independent streak a mile-high and is atrocious at asking for help.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN. latin, german, french, italian, spanish, danish, russian, yorùbá, korean, mandarin, and japanese, and he’s constantly picking up languages as he goes. however, for the most part, he mainly can read and understand them auditorily. while he can speak them, his accent is atrocious and probably doesn’t even sound right, even if his grammar would be textbook-perfect.

SPEECH STYLE. rapid, uses big words no one really understands. speaks as he thinks, sometimes, especially when he’s excited.
QUIRKS. do you have an hour?
HOBBIES. reading, playing chess, playing on a keyboard piano.
HABITS. he tends to hold open the door for people, tucks his head into other people’s shoulders when he hugs them. avoids contact for the most part.
NERVOUS TICKS. biting his lips, picking underneath his fingernails.
DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS. helping people. making sure no one will go through what he went through.
FEARS. he has less fears, more of triggers.
SENSE OF HUMOR. he has a pretty weird sense of humour. it tends to either be dry/sarcastic or it is science-related.
DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?. dependent on the situation. he tends not to curse for the most part, but when the situation calls for it, he will. sometimes, he’ll also do it for the shock value.

important information.
My Spencer is a lot different than canon!Spencer in personality. Canon events stay mostly the same, but my Spencer dates a little bit more behind the scenes than the show suggests and has a little more resistant in forgiving J.J., Hotch, and Emily about Emily’s fake death than in the series.

character summary.
a genius, spencer reid is the wonderboy of the bau. he "hunts down" serial killers with his team.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

DOCTOR WHO VERSE. Spencer meets the Fourth Doctor at sixteen after getting his first PHD in mathematics and travels with him for six months before leaving out of his own volition. Nearly two decades later, after travelling to London to give a literature lecture, Clara Oswald asks him to grab coffee in order to talk further about the lecture, and the two of them end up dating despite recent losses ( Maeve for Spencer, Danny for Clara ). At one point, Spencer and Clara find out that the other has travelled/currently travels with the Doctor, and Spencer does join them a few times, but not often. Ash’s Clara will be the only Clara I will ship with in this verse, but Spencer does not have to be dating Clara and will be open to ships on the blog. how spencer started to travel to the doctor.

white collar verse. verse notes here.


important headcanons & metas.

martha jones.

doctor who.

name. dr. martha jones.
age. Twenty-three - Thirty-three ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human. (verse dependent.)
occupation. Head Medical Director at U.N.I.T. / Head of ED. ( verse dependent ).
residence. london, england.
appearance. 5'4". 124lbs. Black hair, dark brown eyes, dark complexion. Many, many scars from the Year.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. Freema Agyeman.
ethnicity. Akan ( Ashanti ) & Persian. Her father is from Ghana, and her mother is from Iran.
parents. Clive Jones & Francine Jones.
siblings. Tish Jones ( older sister ). Leo Jones ( younger brother ).
education. Medical school.
notable skills. She is better with a knife and with hand-to-hand combat after her year. She is also a skilled doctor, and, in fact, her skill shines a little bit more on the battlefield. She is also very analytical and scientific-minded, which has helped her on her travels with the Doctor but just in general.
languages. English, BSL, German, French, Persian, and Japanese.
phobias. Helplessness.

important headcanons & metas.


important information.
Like many of my other characters, Martha is mainly AU in personality rather than there being too much variation in her particular canon. These are the few things that differ from canon.

Martha took longer to call the Doctor by “Doctor” rather than “John Smith”. It wasn’t until the Doctor saved Laszlo that she started referring to him as “Doctor”.

The Year is a lot darker than portrayed in the show. It’s already pretty dark, but it’s still a lot more darker in my canon.

Martha and Mickey never married, but her and tom are not together anymore because he died while on a trip in Africa saving kids from a shooting. She is single but has dated here and there, including with Mickey. I am down to plan a ship between Mickey and Martha, but don’t expect it to be automatically canon.

Martha left U.N.I.T. at the end of Journey’s End and decided to work as a regular doctor in a hospital for a while. However, when Kate Stewart came into power in U.N.I.T., Kate offered Martha her old job back as the head of medical director in U.N.I.T., and she accepted it since she’d met Kate Stewart a few times and liked her methods as well as her.

character summary.
dr. martha jones is better than you. doctor, survivor of the end of the world, soldier, and time and space traveller.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

timelord au. untagged. takes place before season four but after martha's torchwood specials. thanks to reset, martha's dna resettled to time lord dna rather than human dna.

lee ahn.

he is psychometric.

name. lee ahn.
age. Twenty-two.
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. augmented human.
occupation. Unemployed, technically. He does consult on police cases.
residence. seoul, south korea.
appearance. 177cm. 67kg. Brown hair, brown eyes, a faintly tan complexion. He has a scar from his head injury as a child.
piercings. earrings (closed).
faceclaims. Park Jinyoung.
ethnicity. korean.
parents. deceased when he was young.
siblings. Adoptive older brother, Sungmo.
education. high school graduate (barely).
ABILITIES. He has the ability of psychometry, which means he has the ability to read a person or an object’s past through physical contact. In the past, it was just flashes, but as he grew older, it became stronger. He was able to (sometimes) control what he saw or push to see more. However, with that strength comes drawbacks – when he sees the death of someone, he feels their pain as well. At one point, he actually stopped breathing because of it. It also sucks up his energy if he overuses it.
notable skills. He is fantastic at hand-to-hand combat (able to help beat up ten trained professionals).
languages. korean and english.
phobias. fire.

character summary.
ahn is a psychometrist, which means he can read the memories of objects and people.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

hogwarts au. untagged. verse notes.

important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.


important information.
his parents died in a fire (apartment building fire that was also used to cover up three murders and killed a lot of other people) on his seventh birthday. he was also saved because his future adoptive brother jumped from the seventh floor onto a car with ahn in his arms. because of this incident (and the head injury), ahn became a psychometrist.

a psychometrist is someone who can read the memories of objects and people. when it comes to people, ahn can read memories, and he feels all of the emotional and physical trauma that people went through, as well as their emotions. it has gotten to the point, several times, where he has passed out because either the emotional or physical trauma backlash is so great (like, feeling the killing blow to the head). with objects, it tends to be more objective, but when his powers grow, he also starts to feel the trauma of the people who touched the objects (it also depends on what memory it is). his skill heightens when he feels he needs to use this skill, but he can still get flashes just from touching objects/people normally for a few seconds.

at one point, his saviour (and not quite yet adoptive brother; although, he certainly felt like one to ahn) left ahn at an orphanage all alone. this is when ahn started to act out and got into fights (thus developing his god-tier fighting abilities) and was known amongst the neighbourhood as a demon who’d beat people up if they touched him. when his brother came back for him to actually officially take care of him, he stopped with that (although, he was still failing at school).

being a delinquent, ahn doesn’t have a lot of general knowledge and also isn’t the best at reading (or using the correct vocabulary words when he speaks), but he can sometimes (stressing the sometimes) put pieces together to figure things out.

essentially, he’s a dumbass, but he’s a very loveable dumbass, as he is pretty cheery and emotive. that isn’t to say that he doesn’t have his fair share of pain, and he used to be stoic as all hell when he was younger, but he’s like a puppy.

my ahn takes place mainly after the main story ends with his adoptive brother in jail for the fire, one of his friends dead, and him trying to join the police force. however, my ahn currently hasn’t passed the test but is still helping with cases on the side with his powers.

tony dinozzo.


name. Anthony “Tony” Dominic DiNozzo Junior.
age. Thirty-two - Forty-five ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. NCIS Senior Field Agent of the MCRT.
residence. Washington D.C., USA.
piercings. Had an old nipple piercing that he does not wear anymore.
faceclaims. michael weatherly.
ethnicity. Italian-American & English.
parents. Anthony Vito DiNozzo Senior & Mary DiNozzo née Paddington.
siblings. none.
education. graduated from ohio state university. An online university for his Masters [tba].
notable skills. tony is a sharpshooter, great at any sort of physical activities, and an accomplished investigator capable of putting together even the disconnected of clues.
languages. English, ASL, Spanish, Italian. Conversational French.
phobias. Needles and rats.

A rather attractive man, Tony has pretty green eyes and short, specifically styled and cut brown hair. Fit and muscular, Tony stands at an impressive 6'2" and is a rather heavy man due to his workout routines and keeping in-shape. He takes particularly good care of his skin, and he almost always wears a suit unless he’s called into work on a supposed day off or at an off hour.

He also has rather heightened senses: a keen sense of smell, 20/10 vision, and absurdly good hearing. He can be pretty strong as well, able to break a bullet-ridden windshield and ripping it off while underwater, as well as generating enough force to rip apart a locked steering wheel while underwater.

It’s hard to figure out what belongs to his mask of a clown and what his true personality is – even people who have known Tony for over a decade haven’t quite figured him out. The mask has him play as an idiot juvenile who has never quite grown up, and someone who definitely notices the ladies.

Beneath the mask, however, lies a rather intelligent man – not only competent on the field and in areas of physical education, but also intellectually. He is a lot smarter than most would give him credit for, with an ability to think laterally and make connections that most could not. He is also a lot more respectful of women than he pretends to be.

Tony has PTSD and depression; although, he pretends that he doesn’t. He is very good at pretending that his symptoms does not exist.

Tony was born in Long Island to Mary DiNozzo née Paddington and Anthony Vito DiNozzo Senior. Both of his parents were alcoholics, and his mother suffered from severe depression and other mental health issues ( she drank all of his sea monkeys once when he was five ). His father, when he noticed Tony, was often very exact and made certain that Tony knew of any displeasure he might have felt against his son. When he was eight, his mother attempted suicide, and she was found dead by Tony.

Ever since then, his father had gotten angrier and, perhaps thankfully, withdrawn more, leaving Tony behind in a hotel in Hawaii for three days when he left Hawaii, only realising he left his son behind when the room service bill was sent to his credit card. His father, when he was with Tony, would often blame Tony for his mother’s death, citing that having Tony was the start of her spiral into depression. At the age of twelve, his father disowned Tony and sent him to various boarding schools, most of which he would get himself expelled from until he reached the Rhode Island Military Academy, where he settled down and graduated with honours.

He went to Ohio State, where he played both football and basketball professionally. He was also the team captain of the basketball team, and one of the football team’s star players. He was going to become a professional basketball player when his leg was broken during a football game by Brad Pitt ( no relation to the actor ), ending his professional career before it began. Another thing of note is that, before his leg was broken and while he was still on track to becoming a professional, he went to Baltimore to play in the Big Four conference and saw a burning building the night before the game. He went in and saved a little boy, but had to leave his little sister behind. This, along with his leg being broken, helped him realise that he wanted to be a cop instead of being a professional basketball player.

He went to the police academy and graduated with honours there as well, and he was accepted as a police officer in Peoria. After working there for two years, Tony thought it was time to move on and decided to make the move to Philadelphia, where he became a detective and became one of the youngest detectives to date at Philly PD. ( He also had a perfect score on the detective test. )

It was there in Philly, approximately a year after he arrived, where he went undercover to fool Mike Macaluso, the leader for one of the Italian mobs in Philly. He was undercover with the Macalusos for a year in a deep undercover assignment before he gathered enough evidence to put Macaluso away for good in Baltimore. Since he, and his partner, would be in too much danger if he stayed in Philly, he left without telling his partner Zoë Keats goodbye, much to her befuddlement ( since she was not given the details of his undercover assignment ).

He decided to move to Baltimore since he already had an in with the police department after taking down Macaluso. Tony became a part of the Homicide division, with Danny Price as his partner, occasionally lending a hand to people in the Vice and Narcotics and the transit detail. It was when he found out his partner was a dirty cop and after he met Leroy Jethro Gibbs that he decided it was time to move on and become a federal agent at NCIS.

NCIS had been a rather fun jig at first, even with Gibbs’s lack of festivity, but Tony enjoyed learning from Gibbs very much so. The two of them often went through a change of probies and other agents quickly, the one staying the longest out of the bunch being Vivian Blackladder, but, for a lot of the time in Tony’s early years, Tony had been on a two-man team alone with Gibbs. Then, right before his two year mark, Kate Todd was added onto the team, and history was made.

important information.
there are two very important canon divergences that i will not budge on.

one, tony and ziva have never been in a relationship ( sexual or romantic ) and never will. as much as tony enjoys flirting with ziva and, yes, thinks that she’s attractive, flirting is as far as he’s EVER willing to take with her. sorry, tali doesn’t exist either.

two, tony and his father never reconciled. his father still disowned him, and he’s never talked to the man face-to-face since tony being disowned by the age of twelve. here and there, he’ll receive calls from his father, but they’re rarely personal and more than usually strictly business – or his father calling him in an attempt to control his life. conversely, tony’s father is a legitimate businessman who, yes, actually is a multimillionaire rather than fakes being one ( and he isn’t a conman ). this is the reason why he tends to attempt to control tony’s life –mainly because he thinks his son will give him bad publicity.

character summary.
tony dinozzo is the senior field agent of ncis, where he mostly deals with navy crimes and terrorist groups. he is damn good at his job, even if he's good at acting like he isn't.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

allison hargreeves.

the umbrella academy.

name. allison hargreeves. number three.
age. Thirty-three ( biologically ). Thirty-one( chronologically ). ( verse dependent )
gender & pronouns. Cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. augmented human.
occupation. actress. previously a child superhero.
residence. Flies from Los Angeles, California and Indianapolis, Indiana.
appearance. 5'7". 134lbs. Purple hair, brown eyes, dark complexion. Many scars from being a super-hero, one thin scar along her neck. She has a tattoo of an umbrella on her wrist.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. Emmy Raver-Lampman.
ethnicity. She has no idea since she was bought as a baby and her adopted "father" didn't tell her, but she assumes she's african-american.
parents. She has no idea as to who her biological parents are. Her adoptive father is Sir Reginald Hargreeves. Her adoptive mother is a robot created by Reginald.
siblings. All of her siblings are also adopted. She has five brothers: Luther, Diego, Klaus, Five, and Ben. She has one sister: Vanya. Ben is deceased.
children. Claire ( in season two, she is non-existent ).
education. UCLA.
notable skills. She is great at hand-to-hand combat and with weapons.
abilities. When she prefers statements with “I heard a rumour”, she is able to control anyone she wishes. Also, if she is more precise with her wording, she can also bend reality to her wishes. However, Allison isn’t quite aware of this, due to not having tested those limits.
languages. English, French, Spanish, Russian, Mandarin, Arabic, and Hindi. She can quote and understand texts in Latin and Ancient Greek.
phobias. Being alone. Being selfish (again).

important information.
This is a no-incest zone. None of the siblings will ever be shipped together. i do still write allison as having a codependent relationship with luther, but, again, IT IS NOT SHIPPY.

Allison is mostly played post-season two, but can be played whenever. I also take inspirations from the comics, and Allison’s powers are, like in the comics, reality warping powers.

character summary.
Allison is a retired child superhero, now an actress who has starred in several films and shows. She has powers that allow her to control other people but has long since decided to stop using it unless in defense of her loved ones.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • tba.

neal caffrey.

white collar.

name. Neal George Bennet. Goes by Neal Caffrey as his main alias. Has had other aliases of Danny Brooks, Nicholas “Nick” Holden, George Danvary, Steve Tabernacle, etc.
age. Twenty-four - Thirty-two ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. Cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Criminal consultant for the FBI. Ex-con man (ish).
residence. New York city, new york.
appearance. 6'1". 143lbs. Brown hair, blue eyes, a faintly tan complexion. He has a few scars here and there due to, well, his past.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. Matt bomer.
ethnicity. American. He has Scottish ancestry, but it’s very, very far back into his history.
parents. James Bennet & Natalie Bennet ( biological parents, father estranged and mother estranged ). Ellen Parker ( mother figure, deceased depending on the time period ).
siblings. none.
education. High school dropout. He did teach at several universities, however, under an alias.
notable skills. He is a genius; although, he’s never been tested. He can pick up skills quite easily, but he has all of the skills that are necessary to be an extraordinary forger, thief, and conman. He is also extremely manipulative.
languages. Neal can speak eight different languages and read in twelve.
phobias. Explosions.

important headcanons & metas.

important information.
I am not fond of how the series really went, especially in the later seasons. As such, I write Neal as if he serves out the rest of his sentence (with some speed bumps in the way, duh, it’s neal) but manages to make it to the end and decides to work for White Collar permanently… after travelling for a bit. I do not shy away from the fact that he is a criminal, even if he technically is one with a heart of gold. He does want to change, but, in some ways, he’ll always be a conman and a liar, and that he’d need therapy (genuine therapy) to help change.

canon divergences.
Neal was sixteen when he skipped out of St. Louis and went to New York City, but he always told everyone he was twenty and he looked old enough (and could lie well enough) that everyone believed him (except Mozzie, who he told the truth to after they started working together). He was actually twenty when he was sent to prison and twenty-four when the series starts; although, everyone thinks he’s twenty-eight.

character summary.
Neal caffrey is a... retired white collar criminal with a no-violence streak during his past crimes. he now works as a consultant for the fbi in order to catch white collar criminals.

canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.
